What's Claiming?

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I felt warm to warm for my liking. I opened my eye's to find myself surrounded by my family all curled around me. I looked down still in wolf form I yawned big 'Ewe dog breath' I looked up to see Izy in front of me.

I growled at her 'Shut it' she smirked and walked away from me. I got up and made sure the guy's were still asleep.

I stretched my body and shook my fur out. I walked up to Izy and licked the side of her face before brushing my body against her's. She stretched out 'God that feels so good' I laughed at her 'Must suck to be old huh?' I knew taunting her wasn't the best thing to do in the morning, but I just couldn't help myself.

She growled at me and went into attack stance 'Oh yeah pup you wanna see what old can do?' We began circling each other 'Are you afraid old dog? Scared that I might actually beat your ass?' This only caused Izy to growl louder.

She attached first and went for my leg's. I dodged but because of my new form I tumbled a little. 'What happen pup don't know who to use your new leg's?' I watched her closely watching for her next move I wasn't going to let her get to me.

She attacked again this time going for my neck I made sure this time when I dodged I stayed on my feet. I didn't waste anytime in attacking her once her back was towards me. I jumped on her and bit into her shoulder she howled in pain before we started to tumble down the hill.

I kept my jaw on her shoulder I shook my head just like I did with the stag. I tasted her blood which drove my wolf crazy. She wanted more. I stopped not wanting to hurt our female anymore.

I leg go and crouched down whimpering at the female that lay on the ground with her wound bleeding. I slowly started to crawl to her 'I'm sorry Izy I don't know what came over me.' She didn't answer me 'Izy?'

She was up in a blear 'That was so amazing Lux you really improved.' I tilted my head to the side and looked at the strange female that was not... angry? 'Izy you're not mad?' She licked my face 'Of course not I was the one that provoked you back. I wanted to see what you were like and now I know never to mess with a Alpha Female.'

She limped to where the males were asleep still. It's a wonder how they could sleep through all the growling. 'Stupid male's we could be dying and they're still asleep.' I couldn't agree with her more she bit Joseph and the ass hard. He howled in pain and was about to snap until he noticed it was her mate.

He yawned and shook his fur he looked at the other with mischievous in his eye's. He stepped back and howled loudly might I add that seemed to have woken the rest of the boys. They looked up and scanned around for the danger that was not there.

They turned towards Joseph and were about to jump him before I stepped between them. They got up and walked to me and sniffed the air around me. Joseph started to join as well. What the hell were they doing?

Izy only laughed 'They're putting all their scent's on you so when a male approaches you they will smell them and high tail it out of there.' I groaned and sat while they finished I started to growl low at them.

After what felt like hours they stopped and seemed to be satisfied 'I hate all of you. You guy's do know that right?' I sent through the mind link we all share.

None took offense they just butted me with their head's and turned to leave. Joseph gently nipped Izy on the side she turned away from and headed my way. Her wound clearly healed as to her not limping.

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