Becoming Pack!

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We had just arrived at the party and I already lost her.  "Hey Izy have you seen Lux?" She shook her head "Sorry Ambrose last time I seen her was earlier she should be somewhere here. Don't worry she's a strong girl." That's what I was afraid of. I started to look around for her when I heard "Stay back I'm warning you" I knew that voice.

I turned around and looked frantically there at the way back away from everyone. I fast walked up to them "Henry she said stay away from her. You aren't her mate now I want you to back the hell away from my daughter. I don't care if you are my nephew if you don't get away from her you'll be tasting your own blood boy."

He slowly moved away from Lux, the little brat had the nerve to taunt me "I was only saying Hi Uncle you didn't tell us she was an Alpha Female." Lux slowly walked up to me and stood beside me. I was so close to kicking his ass, but the one who saved him was the spitfire that was standing next to me. This one sentence that came from her lips revived something inside of me. 

Protectiveness that's what it was. It has been sleeping for a very long time because it had nothing to protect. Now it does I have something to die for and it was 'Her'  I would die for her. "Dad it's fine really let's just go meet the others." I restrained the emotion to beat the shit out of him. 

I nodded my head and pulled her hand I started to drag her away from the young male. I could feel her shiver from beside me "Ambrose just who was that?" I didn't look at her for I was afraid I would snap at her and regret it after I wasn't taking the chance we had just gotten closer I wasn't going to risk it.

I found Zorin and Lionel and dragged her to them "Zorin, Lionel stay with her at all times until I come back." I let go and started to walk away I needed to run this rage off. I cut deep into the the woods and carefully took off my clothes I needed to hunt. Once naked I was shifted in my black wolf with little spots of white I could hear and smell better than my human form.

I chased bunny's caught a few bird's and had a snack of a few squirrels. My wolf was happy to get his mind off of our low life of a nephew I told Jack countless times to be strict with him, but what do I get. A pup who thinks he's the shit and could get any female he wishes I swear to the God's if he so much as touches her he's going to be a new decoration on my wall.

I laid down under a tree where the brightest star slowly starts to descend and our master rises. My eye's started to slowly close until the darkness swept me in.

I awoke with the sound's of owl's screeching and the little woodland creatures scurrying around the pitch black woods. I let my eye's adjust to the night and found something astonishing  and just down right hilarious. 

Out far in the woods I can see this white little wolf running around chasing birds playing with the little animals. She only chased them never killing what really got my attention was that the animals in return started to chase her. It made my wolf howl in laughter seeing his pup being a pup like she should be. 

The lazy gruff got up and stalked our young pup he wanted to keep an eye on her. She shouldn't have come alone she doesn't know the dangers to being an Alpha Female adding to that she's my daughter is something else. These two very crucial things could end her life this is the life of a strong Alpha female. 

While deep in thought he heard a yelp coming from his pup. He instantly lifted his head scouting around for any possible danger at his pup. Once the coast was clear he walked up to her and nuzzled her cheek. He bit her ear playfully pulling it down a letting it go when she started to whine. She snarled and jumped back barring her teeth aggressively wanting to fight.

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