1. Camila Cabello

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Camila Cabello sat in her bedroom at her desk, finishing her homework. As she finished the last sentence of her history essay, she heard loud shouting coming from out of her window. She sighed, getting up to close the door, when a voice called out, "Oi Cabello! You coming to the party?" She shook her head. The group laughed at her, "Loser!" She closed the window, feeling the tears prick her eyes.

At 18 years old, most people would think that Camila would have gone to a party but Camila had never gone to a single party in her entire life. She had tried, but her mother always caught her. She didn't have many friends either because of it, but she tried to ignore it. Unfortunately, there were times when she couldn't fight the pain of it.

She lay down on her bed, letting out small, almost inaudible sobs. She wished she could be normal but ever since her father had passed away, her mother had been adamant about protecting her from the real world. But what Camila really wanted was to experience that forbidden world.

After another five minutes, she decided to get up and go out. Not to the party, she would be made a fool of. But she figured she could wander into town, look around at the shops, go to a cafe. Just have a little stroll for herself, get her thoughts together.

She rose from her bed making her way over to her wardrobe, digging out her older clothes. They were the ones she had saved when her mother had cleared her wardrobe out, replacing it with collared shirts and straight skirts that didn't fit her style, but what could she do, now that her father was gone. She found a pair of dark washed jeans, black wedges, a black tank top and her black leather jacket.

Camila's mum had no idea that she still owned the jacket, she had always hated it. But her father, having given it to her himself had thought she looked more adorable than dangerous, all huddled up in the jacket. When her father had died, her mother had wanted to get rid of it and thought she had, but Camila lied, claiming that she had already put it in the bag of clothes. She couldn't part with it, it was her father's jacket, the only thing she had left of him, besides photos and ever since he had died Camila's mother had rid the house of any signs of his presence.

Camila's relationship with her mother was tense, they didn't see eye to eye. Their views were very different and it was hard for Camila not to constantly lose her temper. She loved her mother, she did or thought she did anyway, but she couldn't be herself with her mother and her need to impress her mum had strained her social life.

Camila quickly changed into the clothes and made her way down the stairs, phone and money in her back pocket. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, her mother called, "Karla! What are you doing?" She sighed. She'd never be able to leave now. "I was just going into town. I've done all my work." Her mother's footsteps echoed across the floor as she moved towards her. Camila swiftly wrenched the jacket from its hold around her, before dropping it next to the coats. "Have you practised your guitar?" She nodded. "Yes." No. Her mother raised and eyebrow at her, "I guess you can go out for a couple of hours, but I want you to be with Chloe." Camila nodded again. "I'm going to meet her at the coffee shop." Liar. Her mother nodded and walked back to the kitchen. "I want you home by 8." Camila answered a meek "Yes." Before grabbing her jacket and taking quick steps to the door, shutting it behind her.

She took slow steps to town, even though she had told her mother she was going to meet Chloe, she had no plans to do so. Chloe was her 'best friend', however, in reality, the two could not be more different. Chloe saw things the same way her mother did and it irritated Camila. Camila didn't want to be her friend, nor Chloe wanted to be Camila's, but Chloe liked the praise and attention, not that she didn't get enough of that anyway.

Originally before her father had passed away, she had normal friends, Lauren, Normani, Ally and Dinah. They were all a year above her, but they all had great fun together. However, her mother never really liked the girls, once again showing that the two didn't see eye to eye. So after the event happened, Sinu had cut off all connections between Camila and the girls. They would see one another at school, but they would never talk. Camila missed her old friends, since becoming friends with Chloe and her group, she felt herself slipping away from who she was. She wasn't an introvert, she liked the outside environment, but she wasn't allowed to step back into it.

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