6. Adventuring

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Camila giggled for the hundredth time as Shawn told another tale about Brian's idiocy. "When can I meet them?" He shrugged, "Whenever you want, whenever you're free, but not today, it's our adventure." She laughed once more.

So far, they had sat in the car for no more than 20 minutes and Camila had heard around twenty stories about Brian, Ian, Jack and Matt and could not wait to meet them.

"Should I feel worried that you seem more excited to meet them then our 'adventure'?" Shawn remarked. She laughed shaking her head, reaching over to grasp his hand. "Never." She quietly replied. He smiled back over, keeping her hand in his hold.

10 minutes later, Shawn turned down into a woodland area, with a rough and bumpy road. Shawn drove cautious, trying not to dent or ruin his   jeep. He kept a straight face as he drove until Camila laughed at his straight face.

He scowled looking over to her, "What?" She smiled, "You look funny when you keep a straight face." He scoffed, "I don't want my car ruined and you're distracting me." He whined. The two went back to sitting in silence as Shawn focused on keeping his car pristine.

After another five minutes, Shawn pulled the car over by a group of large trees. He quickly climbed out of the car and came around to Camila's side, opening the door and wrapping his arms around her waist, lifting her out the car, a grin pulling at his face as Camila giggled, keeping her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

He dropped her to the ground as he locked the car. Taking Camila's hand he began leading her through the woods, ducking under and over branches the two got themselves caught up once or twice before untangling themselves as if they were Christmas lights.

Shawn finally saw his destination up ahead. Camila couldn't help but feel the excitement rushing through her as Shawn announced that they were almost there. She wanted to know what Shawn was so desperate for her to see.

When they reached the clearing, Camila wasn't sure what was important or unique about this part of the woods than any other, besides it was slightly more spacious. "What are we doing here?" Shawn grinned pointing upwards and Camila saw it.

Sitting high up in one of the trees was a little wooden tree house. The wood looked fairly new, compared to the rest of the trees, but Camila could see that a varnish had been coated over. He lead her over to the tree and hanging down from the house was a rope ladder, ready for the two to climb up.

Shawn gestured for Camila to go first, she leant up kissing his cheek lightly, unable to help it, hoping he didn't notice her rosy cheeks. Once she was a fair way up the ladder, Shawn began to climb as well.

Halfway up the ladder, "Move quicker!" Shawn called up to her, she shook her head, "Never!" The two continued to climb, Camila picking up the pace but as Camila moved to put her foot on the rope below, her foot slipped and she fell tumbling, screaming. She suddenly  ceased falling and felt an arm around her waist, hot breath passing over her face. She opened her eyes, to see Shawn staring at her eyes fearful for her. "Are you OK?" Camila nodded.

Once Shawn was sure, Camila would be able to get up the ladder, he let Camila move ahead. The two moved cautiously, careful to get their feet and hands tightly on the rope.

When the two had both finally reached the top, they laughed. They couldn't help but laugh and how worried and slow they had been. Yes, what happened was scary but they could've moved slightly quicker. When the laughter died down, Shawn spoke softly, "I'm sorry." "What for?" Camila asked. "I should've been careful."

She leant closer, embracing him in a hug. "You saved me and that's more important. I'm perfectly fine, without any injuries, which wouldn't have been so if you didn't save me." He smiled at her.

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