23. Ruin

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After spending her whole weekend moping and crying, Camila made her way into the school on Monday morning. As she made her way to her locker, she expected to find an angry Hailee, ready to scream at her for breaking Shawn's heart. Instead, she found a tearful Hailee, who looked terrified.

When Hailee saw her, she ran up to Camila and pulled her into a tight hug. "Have you seen Shawn?" Camila pulled back wide eyed and tilted her head in confusion. "No, why?" "He hasn't come back since Friday." Camila froze.

This was her fault, he didn't go back after she broke up with him. which meant Hailee had no idea. "Haiz, we broke up, on Friday." Hailee stopped for a moment, "What? Why would you break up, you were so good together." Camila began the long story that took place on Friday night. "After I said that, he ran off, without a glance and drove off, I have no idea where he is now."

"I don't know where he's gone, I've checked the lake house, you don't know where he is, none of the guys do! Where is he?" Hailee began to panic shaking Camila's shoulders. "Calm down Hailee! We won't be able to find him if we don't think rationally." Camila shouted as she grabbed onto Hailee's hands pulling them away from her shoulders. "He won't answer your calls?" Hailee shook her head. "Let me try." Camila turned around to go out of the school when a collection of three girls appeared in front of the two.

"So, looks like your love didn't last. How sad." Chloe drawled before sharing a laugh with her two lackeys. "Guess he's mine now." Camila shook her head as Hailee hissed, "Hard to do when no one knows where he is." The blonde girl's eyes widened. "Wh-what?" She stuttered. "Yea, he disappeared after our bre-" Camila cut herself off. "How do you know about that?"

Chloe began to back away, "I don't know, uh... sorry... um... what were we talking about?" She gave a forced grin. Hailee screeched, "I'm gonna get you! What did you do?" She began to chase the blonde through the corridors, leaving Camila with the two lackeys. "Excuse me, I have problems to sort out." She walked off away from the two, "Why were you even together?" Camila froze. "Why wouldn't we be? Just because Chloe wanted him, doesn't mean they were right for one another, it doesn't mean he can't be with one another." The two lackeys glared, "And you were right for him?" She shrugged, "I like to think I am." And with that, she swiftly turned around and stormed outside.

Once Camila was outside, she made her way to Hailee's car and leant against the machine as she pulled Shawn's name up on her contacts. She pressed her phone to her ear and listened to the dial tone, hoping he would pick up. When the dial tone ended and went straight to voicemail, she cursed, hanging up. 

She tried two more times before a furious Hailee came into her sight making her way towards the car, pulling a screeching Chloe who was being held onto by the ear. Once, Hailee caught sight of Camila, she began to walk quicker before coming to a halt in front of Camila. "You are not going to believe this!" She hissed and shoved Chloe forward. 

"Tell her what you told me!" She seethed. Chloe looked at Hailee before looking back to Camila. "I bought a new car last week and I got highlights in my hair!" She giggled, "Okay, bye!" She exclaimed, turning around and making a break for it when Hailee's arm blocked her from making a getaway. "Not that! About the video!" Camila's eyes widened, "What about the video?"

Chloe growled before Hailee turned her around and gripped onto her arms, preventing her from escaping. "The video isn't real." She mumbled. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" "IT'S A FAKE!" She screeched. "I came up with the plan, I told your mum what to do. I was there when you broke up." Camila fell backwards into the car. She crushed Shawn's heart for nothing, she'd broken the pair of them, over absolutely nothing.

She felt rage overcome her, "How could you do this?" The blonde shrugged, "I wanted him." Camila slapped her face, "And what makes you think that he'll want you now?" She shrugged. Camila glared once more, "If he didn't want you before we were together, why would he want you after?" The blonde's eyes widened before squinting again. "How would you know?" Camila let out a laugh, "Because I know him and he doesn't go for desperate people like you." She hissed. She leant in close, "Now get out of my sight and never talk to me again." Chloe didn't need to be told twice, she gulped and ran off.

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