10. Official

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Shawn sighed, he just had to fight with her. He should've just talked it out with her. Or maybe he should've just continued kissing her. He just wished Jake didn't enter.

Realising that Jake wasn't the one that was at fault but him, Shawn rushed down the stairs and grabbed his keys before running out the door without a single word of warning.

He jumped in his car and sped off, he figured that Camila wouldn't be home yet and he was right when he saw the brunette trudging down the street after five minutes.

He pulled up beside her. Camila heard the engine and looked to her right. At the sight of Shawn, she rolled her eyes and continued her stomping.

Shawn sighed and killed the engine. He clambered out of the car and quickly caught up to the girl. Catching her wrist he spun her around to face him. She tried wrenching away but he kept a firm grip.

"Let go of me." She hissed. He shook his head at the girl, "No. Get in the car." She shook her head, glaring at him. "Camila get in the car." He sternly spoke, "No." Shawn growled. "I didn't want to have to do this."

He bent down picked the girl up at her knees and carried her to the car, while she was kicking and screaming. He didn't care, he was going to talk to her. "Shawn! Get off of me!" She screamed. He opened the door placing her in the car and buckling her seatbelt before slamming the door. He locked the doors and made his way around the car quickly. He clambered in and immediately began driving.

Forty-five minutes later they were back at the treehouse. Shawn opened her door and offered his hand. Camila hit it away and clambered out of the car. She stormed off towards the treehouse and ignored Shawn.

Shawn sighed, this was going to be harder than he thought. "Camila." He called. She continued walking. "Camila! Come on! Talk to me, please?" He begged. She continued to ignore him and began climbing up the ladder. Shawn quickly followed.

When he reached the top, he found Camila curled up against the wall, head against her knees. "Camila. I'm sorry. I should've just talked about it." She didn't move, refusing to acknowledge him.

He moved closer, placing a hand on her arm. She backed away from him. He continued to move closer until they were at the corner of the treehouse. "Camila. Please listen to me." He whispered. She didn't move nor did she reply, so Shawn took it as an opportunity to move on.

"I'm sorry OK? I know that we should've talked about it. I didn't think about your feelings." He moved his hand to her face, lifting it up to look at him. "If you forgive me, I promise we'll talk about it." She rested her head on her legs and looked at him. Finally, after what felt like years, she nodded, mumbling, "I forgive you."

She knew she was giving in easy, but she did take it out of context. He never said he was using her. But she was pulled into a rage when he refused to talk about it.

Shawn sighed in relief and picked her up, once again setting her on his lap. "OK. Let's talk about this." She nodded, turning around to face him. She leant down looking into his eyes. "I like you." She admitted.

Shawn smiled, "I like you too." He leant up kissing her softly. He pulled away and held her face in his hands. "There's something about you Mila." He whispered. She leant into his touch, lightly tilting her head in questioning.

Shawn chuckled going into detail, "Every time I look at you, I can't keep my eyes off of you. You make feel insane by your touch and your personality is the funniest thing ever." She giggled shaking her head. He kissed her forehead. "Yes, it is."

Camila wrapped her arms around his neck, "Well I think you're very funny, a bit annoying but extremely good looking, but you are also really caring and that makes me really like you." She leant closer to whisper in his ear. "You're my escape. You give me freedom."

Shawn felt a smirk build across his face and he couldn't get himself, he pulled back and crashed his lips to the girl's once more. She quickly responded, settling her hands in his hair and holding him close to her. She tugged and he couldn't stop for groan escaping his mouth. "Mila." He groaned and she shuddered. He grinned into the kiss before moving the two around so that he was on top pinning her to the floor.

She grabbed his face, refusing to let go of his lips. He slid his tongue across her bottom lip and she quickly opened up to him. He slid his tongue against hers fighting for dominance. She put up a fight but was no match for Shawn's skilful tongue.

Finally, they pulled away from the kiss and Camila threaded her hands through his hair once more. "So," she looked up innocently, "Where do we go from here?"

Shawn leant down pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Karla Camila Cabello. Would you be mine?" She nodded slowly, a beaming smile on her face. "Only if you're mine." He hastily nodded before catching her lips once more.

They pulled away after a moment and Shawn smiled with pure joy once more. "Come on. We need to get going." She sighed, slowly lifting herself up from his lap. He took her hand, kissing her once, twice more before they finally began climbing down the ladder.

As Shawn jumped down from the ladder, a small body jumped onto his back and he scrambled to wrap his arms around her legs to hold her up.

He looked up to find the girl staring down at him her hair messily swept across her face. He laughed and leant up as she leant down once again to kiss his lips.

The two couldn't help themselves they were on a happy high of finally being together.

Shawn trudged back to the car, holding Camila tightly to himself. As he reached the car Shawn lowered her body into the car and placed a kiss on her forehead as she giggled away.

An hour later they arrived back at Shawn's house. He took her hand and they reentered the house to find all of the gang sitting on the couches in the living room.

"Guys." Shawn began, "I would like to I introduce you to my girlfriend Camila." Hailee squealed, jumping from the couch and hugging the two. "I'm so happy for you two!"

Ian and the others all rose congratulating the pair and making small jabs at Shawn. He laughed them off too happy to care. This is what he wanted and now he had it.

Camila kept her grip on Shawn's hand throughout and he couldn't help but wrap his arm around her waist keeping her close.

Finally, after half an hour, Shawn and Camila were on their way back to Camila's house. As they arrived they sat in the car for another moment, anything the peace and quiet for a moment longer.

"I'll see you later." She smiled opening the car door to leave when Shawn's hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back into him.

He leant his lips into hers and kissed her once more, holding onto her waist tightly.

He pulled away slowly placing soft chaste kisses to her lips before letting go completely. "See you later Mila." He winked.

She blushed pecking his cheek once more before leaving the car. Shawn waited until he had seen the girl enter her house. He pulled away from the road heading home.

As Shawn arrived back at the house, Hailee immediately harassed him. "You finally got a girlfriend did you?" Shawn blushed nodding. "She's perfect for you, you know?" Shawn nodded once more, "I know."

He walked up the stairs and quickly changed in his room before Hailee entered once more, "Jake told us about how he walked in on some heavy action." She smirked, lightly shoving him. "Well, Jake shouldn't have walked in at all." He growled. "Now it has been wonderful Haiz but I must say good night." He rose from the bed and pulled Hailee by the arm shoving her out of the room and he clicked the lock on the door making his way back to his bed, slowly falling to sleep.

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