3. School

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Camila finally reached home at 10:30. She cursed under her breath, she was so dead. Hopefully, she could get away with being late and not get caught drinking alcohol. She bought mints on the way home and ate practically the whole packet. She hoped she could pass it off.

She slowly walked into the house, the door creaking open, "Karla." Shit. "Come here." Camila sighed. After taking her jacket off and leaving it at the staircase, she made her way to the kitchen. "Yes, mama?" Sinu glared at her. "Where have you been?" "I just went to the cafe in town with Chloe." She lied. "No, you haven't. Chloe wasn't with you. I called her, she told me she had no idea where you were." Damn that girl, why can't she keep her mouth shut? "OK fine. I admit it. I wasn't with Chloe, but I went to the cafe. I knew you wouldn't let me go unless I said that I was with Chloe. I just wanted some time to myself. I just lost track of time. I'm sorry." She lied once again, she was never sorry. "What did you have at the cafe?" "Cake and a coffee." Her mother nodded, suspicion crossing her face. Camila pinched her skin. Camila's mum glared once more. "You should've kept track of the time. You're grounded, two weeks." "Yes, mama." Her mother pointed to the stairs, "Now go to bed."

Camila nodded, grabbed her jacket and hurried up the stairs. Once she reached her room, she flopped down onto her bed, face first and let out a loud scream. She just wanted her old life back, her old friends, but she couldn't have it.

Tonight was the first time in months that she experienced anything thrilling. She had escaped punishment, well severe punishment, she had gone and spent time in a place she knew and she had met a rather cute boy. She wasn't going to act on anything, Shawn was her friend. She knew she could trust him.

She soon felt tiredness overcome her and she fell asleep, thoughts consumed by Shawn.

Camila woke up the next day feeling rather refreshed. She supposed it was the events of the night before that made her feel so happy. But her mood soon soured when she realised that she would have to talk to Chloe today. Great. Camila did not want to have to talk to her today. It was bad enough that she basically ruined her life.

Half an hour later, Camila was dressed in a collared shirt and plaited skirt. She could not deny that she was constantly embarrassed by the clothes she had to wear now. Ever since Sinu met Chloe, it was like she wanted Camila to be another version of the blonde headed girl. Camila despised Chloe and her ability to appeal to her mother so well.

As she arrived at school, she made her way to her locker, finding Chloe waiting for her. She groaned. Chloe caught sight of her, "Camila! What were you doing last night? Do you know how worried I was?" Liar. "I'm sorry, Chloe. I needed time to myself, so I used you as an excuse." "Why? You could've just called me." "I wanted to be on my own," Camila repeated. Chloe still didn't get it.

"Ehem." A smooth voice coughed interrupting the two.

Camila looked over to find a brunette girl staring at her and Chloe, a slight smirk graced her features. "What do you want Steinfeld?" 'Steinfeld'  laughed at Chloe's attempts to be threatening. "I just wanted to talk to Camila." Camila was taken aback, why would this girl want to talk to her? "About?" 'Steinfeld' glared at the girl, "None of your business." Chloe stomped her foot down. "I'm not scared of you." "Nor of you."

The blonde glared before shoving her bag up her arm and mumbling about meeting Camila later. Camila silently hoped they wouldn't.

'Steinfeld' moved closer to her. "Uh... what are you doing?" "Just making sure no one can hear us." Camila looked around, it was a pretty empty hallway. "Look, no offence but I don't even know you." The tall girl stuck her hand out, "I'm Hailee, Hailee Steinfeld." Camila took it and opened her mouth to speak when Hailee did it for her, "Camila Cabello. I know." The shorter girl nodded.

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