19. Secrets

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Camila pushed the wooden door open, carefully closing it behind her. She slowly tiptoed towards the stairs, ready to make a run for her room when a loud voice stopped her. "Karla!" Her mother's voice rang out through the house. Camila sighed and lowered her head, "Yes, Mum?" She called out.  "Get in here now!" She screamed at the girl. Camila slowly made her way towards her mother in the living room to find her sitting in the armchair, glaring at her as if there was no way they could be related, which she claimed half the time.

"How could you get suspended? You stupid child. And why would you harm poor Chloe? She hasn't done anything to you, she took you in and became your friend, she helped to put you in a better place, not where those stupid girls did." Camila's blood boiled, "Those girls aren't stupid, they've done more for me then either you or Chloe have. While we're on the topic, what have you done?" She accused, taking a step closer.

Her mother was fuming, Camila could see flames in her eyes, her nostrils flaring. "Wh-wh-what have I done for you? I've done everything, I saved you. You could've been getting arrested all the time, doing drugs, those girls were -are- dangerous, they're not your real friends. And that boy, Shane-" "Shawn, his name is Shawn." Sinu rolled her eyes. "Fine, Shawn is the biggest danger of them all, before you met him, you were perfectly well behaved, I spent months making sure you were presentable to others, better than how your lazy father raised you and then he goes and ruins everything, completely destroys all my hard work. I finally had the chance to raise you, how I know you should be raised and what do I get in return, some boy messing it all up."

"My father wasn't lazy!" She screamed back. "My father raised me, the best he ever could, you were barely around constantly having affairs, don't you dare tarnish him because you weren't there." She shoved the older woman away from her. "You didn't do a thing until he was gone and did you care? No." 

"Oh, he was useless anyway." Camila shook her head. "You've already said that but if he was useless, where were you?" She stepped closer to her mother, slowly backing her into a wall. "You were never there, why? Because you were out, having different affairs, you think I didn't notice, but I always did." "Don't talk to your mother like that." "For a mother, you don't act like one. You were never there, you still aren't and don't forget that you were the one who hit me. You slapped your own daughter, you called her a silly little brat, that wasn't Dad, that was you. So before you say things about dad, remember what you did." She hissed.

She stepped away ready to go upstairs when she closed in once more, "And you didn't save me, you ruined me, I never felt more lonely in my life, I didn't have any real friends and Chloe was useless. That girl only wanted to get on your good side, she doesn't like me. In fact, she has a crush on Shawn! Leave me alone, how I live my life, isn't up to you anymore and it never should've been. Face it mother, I'm 18, I'm an adult. Not your little pet." And with that, she turned around and climbed the stairs, locking her bedroom door.

A few hours later, Camila was sitting in Hailee's car on their way to another party, Shawn was busy and agreed to meet the pair at the party. Camila spent the afternoon ignoring her mother and cleaning out her room of anything her mother had given her in the past few years, in other words, all the stuff she didn't want, like or need.

The two pulled up at the party and quickly made their way inside, hastily grabbing a drink. Camila looked around hoping to find Shawn nearby but could not see him. "Haiz, he said he'd be here. Where is he?" She whined, desperate to have her boyfriend in her arms again. Hailee laughed at the lovestruck girl, "I think I saw his Jeep outside maybe he's still there." Camila nodded and made her way outside. "Shawn?" She called as she caught sight of his Jeep. She saw a figure in the car and made her way over.

Camila raised her hand to knock on the window of the car but was stopped when she heard two voices talking and ducked down. "Come on, Shawn, you know you miss me." The familiar voice whispered as she trailed her fingers up his arm. Camila gasped at the familiar voice, Chloe. Shawn had a thing with Chloe before, why didn't he tell her. "No, Chloe. I don't miss you, I have Mila now." Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck, "Then why did you ditch her for me?" Shawn glared, "I didn't, I came to confront you." "Yes and I listened." Shawn shook his head, "Get out." Chloe shook her head. "Not without a kiss." 

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