11. First Date

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Camila woke up the next day a smile gracing her face. She was Shawn's girlfriend. He was her boyfriend. It all seemed so unreal but she was so happy about it.

Her phone began ringing and she reached over clicking the answer key and placing it to her ear, not bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Someone's cheery." The voice rang through her ear. Camila's smile widened, "Shawn!" He laughed. "How are you, my wonderful girlfriend?" He asked a hint of disbelief gracing his voice. "I'm amazing, boyfriend."

The both of them knew they were acting as if they were newlyweds but they couldn't help it, neither could believe this was happening. Of course, it would remain a secret if Chloe or worse her mother were to find out Camila's life would surely be over.

Shawn's voice came through the phone again, "So I was thinking," Camila giggled, "Yea?" "Yea I have. Now I was wondering if you would like to come on a first date with me?" Camila thought for a moment she had homework to do, guitar to practice and an annoying 'best friend' to deal with. But she'd take Shawn over that any day. "Of course."

Camila could hear Shawn's smile through the phone, "Great. I'll pick you up in an hour." The two quickly bid their goodbyes before Camila clicked the end button. She pounced out of bed rushing to her wardrobe to figure out what to wear. She wasn't going to wear any of her skirts or collared shirts, she despised them. She quickly rummaged attempting to find her old clothes when she found the outfit Shawn bought for her. Realising that it was the perfect opportunity to wear it, Camila quickly grabbed the clothes and makeup before making her way to the bathroom to get ready.


An hour after he had ended the phone call, Shawn arrived at Camila's house. He parked further down the street in fear of getting caught by Camila's mother. He sat in the car for a moment debating whether or not he should call Camila to come before deciding that he should risk it and sneak through the window.

He climbed out of the car and made his way to the driveway. Shawn breathed a huge sigh of relief when he realised that Camila's mother wasn't at the house. He made his way to the tree in the backyard and climbed up to the window. Shawn knocked at the window hoping Camila could hear him. She came hurrying to the window and opened it. Shawn gave her his signature smile and Camila beamed back. "Hi." She spoke softly.

Shawn raised one hand and cupped her face bringing his lips to her in a slow kiss. He pulled away slowly and grinned at her "Hey." He quickly crawled through the window into her room before Camila leant forward once more placing another kiss on his lips. Shawn gladly kissed back he adored her lips and he was going to take advantage of the fact that they were his. Take that Jake.

Shawn pulled away first and wrapped his arms around her. "You ready?" She nodded a light giggle escaping her lips. He let go of the girl and looked at her. Lord. She was wearing the clothes he bought her the top laying perfectly hanging off one shoulder the jeans fit her perfectly and the heels certainly helped. He was glad he bought them for her. Not able to help himself Shawn leant forward placing another kiss on her lips before he took her hand leading her out the window and to his car.

"So where are we going?" Camila asked as she got comfortable in the car. Shawn quickly tapped his nose twice. "Really? You're going to keep it a surprise." Shawn grinned, nodding. She sighed before leaning forward and turning the radio on. Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman came through the speakers and Camila quietly sang along to the sultry lyrics as Shawn took hold of her hand as he drove.

Thirty-five minutes later the two pulled up at a clearing they had become familiar with. "The treehouse?" He nodded. He quickly got out of the car before taking Camila's hand and pulling to the treehouse. The two hurriedly climbed up and when they reached the top Camila was awestricken.

In the treehouse, Shawn had set up a miniature movie theatre with blankets and cushions to keep them comfortable and a mixture of food laying in numerous bowls.

"I know it seems anti-social but I thought you'd really like it." She turned around and hugged him. "Thank you. It's perfect." He smiled kissing her softly and pulled her to lay down on the blanket.

He quickly rose and moved to the projector where he had hooked a laptop up to it. He surfed through his variety of movies before choosing Disney's The Lion King.

He moved back to Camila and wrapped his arms around her turning his head towards her. He placed light kisses on her cheek before focusing on the movie.

Throughout the course of the movie marathon, the two shared kisses joked around and once again got to know who one another was.

Shawn heard the tales of Camila and her friendship with Lauren and the girls. She clearly missed them and Shawn couldn't help but wish that he could be the one to reunite them. Hailee knew them maybe he and Hailee could reunite them.

When the movies had finished Shawn and Camila climbed back down from the tree and entered the car. Instead of driving back to Camila's house like he had planned he drove to a cliff at the edge of town.

"Shawn? Where are we?" Camila asked as they got out of the car. She looked around unsure of what they were doing. "Shawn?"

He smiled and covered her eyes. He lead to the edge of the cliff before letting his hands drop.

Camila's eyes widened at the view of their town at night. Illuminated by the street lights and cars throughout the streets. The sight was extraordinary.

Camila beamed and sat down. Shawn followed suit and wrapped his arm around the girl. The two sat and watched as cars wove in out of lanes, through the streets.

"It's beautiful." Camila finally spoke up. "Thanks for bringing me here."

Shawn smiled and leant down. "Anything for you." He closed the gap and pushed her backwards. She lightly fell against the ground and Shawn laid above her, resting his weight on his elbows.

Camila's tongue slid against his lips, parting them as she slid her tongue through. Shawn dug his hands into her hair refusing to let go as he fought back.

Eventually, the two pulled away as he laid gentle pecks on her lips.

Shawn looked down at the giggling girl before sighing, "Alright let's go."

A/N: I'm going to edit this and change it slightly but it's my birthday so I just had to put a chapter up.

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