16. Confrontation

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After a stressful week full of homework, harassment from Chloe and hiding Shawn from her mother, Camila was exhausted.

So on Saturday morning when she was rudely awoken by her phone ringing, she hissed at the person on the phone. "What do you want?"

The voice on the other side of the phone gave a hearty laugh and Camila blushed in embarrassment and even though he couldn't see her, Camila was pretty sure he knew what she was doing.

"Good morning to you too. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Camila nodded before realising Shawn couldn't see her and replied a quick "Yes."

"Now, what would you like?" Camila asked. "Well, I was wondering if you could be so kind as to open the window." Camila swung around to find Shawn staring at her, a grin on his face.

Camila smiled and hastily opened the door for the man. He climbed through and laid a soft kiss on her lips as she pulled him close to her body. "Good morning, my beautiful girl." Camila giggled and buried her face in his chest. "Don't lie." Shawn shook his head and tipped her face up to look at him. "I would never lie to you. You are beautiful, even if you just woke up, you are the most beautiful girl I've even seen." He laid a kiss on her cheek. "And you're all mine."

"How's your tattoo?" He asked, taking her wrist in his hand, gently stroking the ink. "It's good." She shrugged. He smiled and leant in once more, leaving another kiss to her lips. "So, I was thinking we could just relax here for a while. Have a lazy day." Camila nodded and pulled him onto her bed, laying her head against his chest.

"Sleepy?" She nodded. "Alright, you rest." Camila fell into another slumber as Shawn wrapped his arms around the girl.

A few hours later, Camila awoke to the sound of 'knocking at her bedroom door. "Who is it?" She called. "It's your mother, Karla." Camila jumped and shook Shawn to wake him up, "What Mila?" He moaned pulling her body into his. "As much as I'm sure you're enjoying this, my mother is outside waiting to come in." She hissed.

Shawn let go of Camila and she fell off the bed. A loud thud sounding throughout the house. "Karla?" "I'm fine mum, I just fell off the bed." She heard her mother's sigh from behind the door, Camila rolled her eyes. "May I come in?" "Uh... No! I'm... Uh... getting changed!" She stuttered.

"Camila! Where do I hide?" Shawn exclaimed now standing up. "The closet!" She exclaimed. "Karla? Who are you talking to? Is it that boy I see you with?"

Shawn and Camila froze, she knew they were together, or at least friends. How? They were always careful, checking that they weren't in her sight. Camila shook off the shock she was in and called back, "No! I don't even know what boy you're talking about."

She quickly shoved Shawn in the closet and slammed the door. She ran over to the door and flung it open. "Yes, mum?" She drooled. "Don't talk to me like that!" Sinu snapped back. Camila sighed. "Well, this is the first time you've actually come to talk to me in weeks, maybe months, so what would you like?"

"I'm here to talk to you about the people you're spending time with." "What, Chloe? I thought you liked her." "I do, but she told me that recently you've been hanging out with a bad crowd." Camila cursed under her breath, the girl ratted her out. "She told me about a boy named Shawn that you've started dating, is this true?" Camila began to shake her head, "Don't lie to me. I've seen the two of you together."

"Fine. Yes, I've got a boyfriend and yes it's Shawn but you don't know anything about him." "I know that he used to go to that god awful bar that you and your father used to go to." "There is nothing wrong with that bar." She defended the place that became more of a home than the house she was living in. "Yes, there is. If you never went there with your father when you were little, you never would've gone back and that boy never would've seen you again." "What do you mean again?" Camila asked. "He was watching you when you were younger. I saw him, I remember his face."

Camila stepped back in shock, Shawn used to watch her, follow her around, why? A loud thump was heard in the closet. "Is that him? Is he here?" Sinu questioned, beginning to make her way to the door. Camila shook her head and stepped in front of her mother. "It's not him, it's one of my old projects that fell and you can't just come in and look through my stuff whenever you want, mother. I'm 18 years old, I'm legal, that makes me an adult. I don't have to listen to your rules."

Sinu took a step back in shock, "You've changed Karla and I don't like it." "Well, then I guess it's good that you're opinion isn't key in my life." Camila retaliated, crossing her arms over her chest. "And one more thing. My name is Camila, not Karla, stop calling me that." She turned her back to her mother as the older woman stalked out of the room.


Shawn stumbled out of the wardrobe, how did Sinu know that he had been watching Camila when they were younger, he didn't remember seeing her, in fact, he didn't even remember that he used to follow Camila until a few weeks ago when he was putting together the book.

Shawn's eyes wandered over to Camila who stood in shock at the revelation she discovered. Shawn reached over holding his hand out to touch her hand, "Mila?" She withdrew her hand and moved to lean against her window. "You watched me?" Shawn sighed, he didn't want to talk to her about this. He figured if she ever found out, she'd assume the worst and he guessed that's what she was doing now.

"Yes." Camila tilted her head. "Why?" Shawn sighed, "I really don't want to talk about this." Camila stood her ground, "You either talk, or you leave. It's your choice." Shawn sat on the bed looking at her. "I thought you were cute." He mumbled. "Right, so let me get this clear, you followed me around for who knows how long because I was cute?" Shawn nodded, "Yes, well partly, I guess I should explain it." "You think?"

"I saw you when I was fifteen-" "So when I was fourteen?" She interrupted. "Do you want to hear the story?" She nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"I was at the bar with a few friends, we weren't drinking at that point, we used it as a hangout. It was the day of some massive game, I don't remember what team and you and your dad came in to watch it. I saw you cheering and getting really excited and then you crashed into me." "I did?" "It wasn't a big deal for you, but I was completely enamoured by that one moment." 

"So you followed me because of that one moment?" Shawn nodded. "How do I know that you aren't some creep that has been stalking me and pretended to care for me just to get with me?" She began ranting while waving her arms around. Shawn stood up and quickly caught her wrists pinning her to the wall. "I lost sight of you after your father died and I left school. I gave up and forgot about you until a few weeks ago when I realised it was you while looking through my phone for pictures." 

Camila looked down, tears flooding her eyes, "How do I know if you're telling the truth, you could be lying for all I know." Shawn leant down and kissed her lips slowly and pulled back, "Because I love you." Camila gasped and Shawn's eyes widened. He hadn't meant to admit that so early but since this was a make or break point in their relationship and he knew he felt this feeling since almost the very beginning he took a desperate chance. "I'm sorry, I should've told you but I thought you'd freak out, but please, please believe me when I say I love you because I do, so, so much." 

He leant in once again kissing her again and again hoping that she would respond. Eventually, she began responding and kissed him back. Shawn grinned and released his hold on her hands, moving his to her hips. Camila pushed Shawn gently onto her bed and quickly crawled up his body while kissing his lips furiously. Shawn moaned and groaned at her affection.

After another few moments, she pulled away. "So, you forgive me?" Camila nodded. "Because I love you too." She whispered. Shawn beamed a huge smile and tackled Camila with numerous kisses. "You do?" Camila nodded. "Say it again." "I love you." "Again." "I love you." Shawn sighed in bliss, it had been so long since he had heard it, not since his sister a few years ago. How he missed that little girl, she probably wasn't so little anymore. Shawn sighed at the loss from so many years ago. He quickly shook the thought from his head and kissed her again. 

The two were so lost in their own world, that they didn't realise that Sinu had been listening to their conversation the whole time. "I'll just have to come up with another plan."

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