12. Danger

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At this moment, Camila was not happy. She was currently sitting in a police cell while Shawn managed to escape, leaving her to get caught. She had no idea where he was and at this current moment when she was absolutely livid with him, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Their night started off great but it quickly went downhill.

"Shawn!" Camila giggled as he swung her around. They were on a race track with a group of Shawn's gang and friends. He laughed and leant down placing a soft kiss to her lips. He pulled away and hastily turned around. "Let's race."

Everyone around them cheered and Shawn pulled Camila to his hip. "You gonna cheer me on?" Camila giggled nodding her head as Shawn laid numerous kisses on her face as he laughed.

"I think Camila should be on my team." Jake's voice spoke over the crowd. Silence overtook the group everyone turned to stare at Shawn. His eyes had darkened with rage, his grip on Camila tightened so much that she could feel the air slipping from her lungs and his fists clenched.

Suddenly, he shoved Camila away who stumbled into Hailee and he stomped his way over to Jake grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and smashing him to the wall. "And why is that?" He hissed. Jake smirked, "Because she's hot."

Hailee lifted a hand to her forehead, while Jack cursed.

Shawn leant his face in closer to the blonde. "Well, the last time I checked she was -is- my girlfriend, not yours." Jake's smirk widened before responding, "For now."

Shawn raised his fist and let it collide with Jake's face. A loud crack was heard signifying his nose was broken as the blonde boy let out a cry as Shawn drew his fist back to land another hit to Jake's face. He let his hand drop from its hold on the blonde's collar and he fell to the ground, moaning and groaning in pain. Shawn kicked him in the stomach, once, twice, three times full force as Jake had no power to fight back.

Camila watched helplessly having never seen this side of Shawn before. Hailee tried calling out for him to stop, Jack tried holding him back but Shawn was too strong. He continued his relentless attack on Jake as everyone surrounding him called out for him to stop but he ignored the shouts.

Finally, Camila had had enough of the shouting and fighting and ran up to Shawn. She grabbed a hold of his pulled back fist ready to punch Jake once more. "Shawn." He froze at her touch and snapped his head towards her. "Please, stop." She pleaded, eyes wide with fear. She was scared of him. Shawn had made his girlfriend scared of him. He felt anger run through him and wrenched his fist away from Camila's grasp causing her stumble to the ground. He hit Jake once more before grabbing him by the front of his shirt and shoving him against the car. "Let's settle this with a little race then." He hissed, an eerie calm passing over the atmosphere.

"Shawn. Don't do it." Hailee began knowing that Shawn was in no position to drive and in the condition that Shawn had left him in, neither was Jake. "Please Shawn, look at Mila." Shawn took one glance at the girl before turning back to Jake. "Are you up for it?"

Jake leant into Shawn's face, blood running from his nose, bruises overcoming his body and grinned. "I'm in."

Shawn shoved him away and stalked to his car. He climbed in as did Jake and the two pulled their cars up to the starting line. Camila rose to her feet and rushed over to Hailee and Jack who were attempting to pull Shawn out of his rage-driven state.

"Shawn, please don't do it. It's dangerous, something could happen to you. I don't want you to get hurt." Shawn tightened his grip on the wheel. "Get in the car, Camila." Hailee gasped and grasped onto Camila's arm, holding her back from entering the car. "Shawn! You can't risk Camila's safety just because Jake said something." "Shut up Haiz!" Shawn roared. The group of three outside the car flinched, Camila wrenched herself from Hailee's grasp and went around the side into Shawn's car.

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