20. Break

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Shawn held Camila tightly in his arms as they discussed her 'conversation' with her mother. "She's so tiring. I just need a break." She complained. Shawn leant forward placing his lips to Camila's hoping to get her mind off of things for a while. His idea was clearly working since she couldn't resist pushing him back and crawling up his body. Shawn hadn't planned on doing this, they'd been through a pretty terrible night but nothing else would take her day off her mind. She really needed a break and they both knew it.

Shawn pulled away as Camila tried to reignite the kiss, he held her at arm's length trying to stop her from kissing him again. "Shawn." She whined. He laughed at her neediness, "I was thinking," Camila leant in closer, "Yeah?" Shawn squinted his eyes, a smile gracing his face, "Not that." Camila sulked. He grinned, brushing her hair behind her ear, "I was thinking, maybe we should go on a break, my family have a lakehouse, that they don't use until the holidays, so maybe we should go?" Camila contemplated it, a break from the drama, even just a day, could fix her for the rest of her school life. She smiled and nodded, kissing him once more. "We'll go tomorrow."

Camila beamed as she cuddled up into Shawn's chest once again, they may have had a hectic night but there was always an element of trust in their relationship that always had them fighting for one another and that was how Camila always wanted it to be.

The next morning it occurred to Shawn and Camila that they would have to sneak Camila back into her house to grab some things so that she had everything she needed for their little trip. Fortunately, when they arrived her mother's car wasn't in the drive, but the two knew they wouldn't have long so Camila quickly hurried through the door and made her way to her bedroom and grabbed a duffel bag, filling it with clothes, music any other items she might need. 

Shawn sat in the car outside patiently waiting until he saw Sinu's car pull in and rather, unfortunately, she caught sight of him and hurried her way into the house. Shawn pulled out his phone pressing the first number on speed dial, "Shawn." She acknowledged as she picked up, "Your mother's just arrived, get out." Camila began breathing quickly, "Shawn, I can't get down on my own from the tree." Shawn got out of the car and rushed to the back of her house. 

He found her staring out the window terrified, "Mila?" He called, she snapped her head to him. "Come onto the tree, I'll catch you, I promise." He soothed her as she nodded. Suddenly, her bedroom door flung open and Camila's mum stood rage coursing through her body, "Mila! Jump now!" He called. Sinu began making her way across the room, Camila grabbed her duffel and jumped out the window onto the branch of the tree, Sinu reached out for the bag but it just slipped through her fingers. Camila's mum swung back around, ready to go downstairs and catch them. "Mila, please, jump now." She threw her bag first and Shawn placed it on his shoulder, then Shawn opened his arms to catch her. Camila jumped, she felt as if she was gonna hit the ground and badly harm herself but, true to his word, Shawn caught her. She pecked his lips before landing on her feet and the two began to run. 

"Karla! Come back here." Her mother demanded as she opened the door. Camila shook her head and sprinted faster. "Karla." The two reached the car and looked back to find Sinu running up behind them. They clambered into the car and breathed a sigh of relief until Camila's door opened, they didn't lock it. Sinu grabbed her arm and attempted to pull her away. Camila shook her head and shook her arm off and pushed her mother out of way from the car and slammed the door, leaning over the console to press the lock button. Camila's mother slammed her hands on the door, yelling at her to open it but was refused.

Camila breathed heavily as Shawn laughed, Camila looked over giving him a 'what the hell is wrong with you?' look. Shawn smiled and leant forward kissing her quickly, "That was thrilling, wasn't it?" Camila couldn't help but giggle, "Yes." Shawn turned the engine on causing Sinu to back away and he sped off down the street.

An hour and a half later, Shawn pulled up outside of a small white cottage in front of a lake. Camila stared in awe at the cottage, "It's beautiful." She commented. Shawn grinned and took her hand in his, "Come on, I'll show you around." He jumped out of the car, rushing round to Camila's and offered his hand as she climbed out of the car. Shawn leads her into the cottage and gave her a quick tour before the two decided to go for a swim out in the lake. Shawn went back out to collect their bags as Camila stared at the photos lining the walls of the cottage. There were various photos of Shawn and his family when they were younger and Camila couldn't help wondering whatever happened to him and his family.

Shawn came back in a moment later grinning and handed Camila her bag. She graciously took it from him before making her way into the bathroom to change into her bathing suit.

As she changed Camila couldn't help birthing back to Shawn and his secret past, what was so bad about it, why did he seem so ashamed, she wished he would just trust her. She did with him.

Camila came out moments later to find Shawn gone, she searched throughout the cottage unable to find him until she made her way outside, he sat at the boardwalk leading into the lake, leaning onto his hands that rested behind him, feet dangling over the edge.

She quickly and quietly made her way behind him before wrapping her arms around his neck. Shawn grinned and turned around leaning up to peck her lips. "You are so beautiful." He whispered. She smiled and looking down. Shawn gripped her chin between her fingers and tilted her face towards his. "You're stunning, don't hide it."

Camila grinned and leant in close, a few millimetres from his lips but just before her lips touched his, she shoved him into the water. A few moments later, Shawn came up coughing and spluttering before loudly exclaiming, "Mila!"

The girl giggled, which quickly turned into a laughing fit, which leads to Camila falling into the water clutching her stomach.

Shawn dove into the water and pulled the choking girl out of the water. she coughed and choked for a few moments before she stopped and let out a small sigh. "Thanks." She whispered. He smiled down at her and leant down kissing her lips softly. "I'll always save you, baby."

He lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist and slowly waded through the lake. He fell backwards and Camila lay on top. "I never want to leave this." He murmured.

Camila giggled, "You never need to leave this. I'm always here for you." She leant down and kissed his lips many times over before they fell over.

That night the two of them set up a campfire and cooked their food over the fire. Talking and laughing, "And then Aaliyah fell over into the cake!" Shawn exclaimed. Camila fell to the ground laughing and was soon joined by Shawn.

Soon they came back to a normal sitting position arms wrapped around each other and laughter ceasing. "I wish I could meet your family." Shawn sighed and looked away for a moment, before turning back. "One day." He smiled, he just hoped that was true.

A car with headlights pulled up behind them and the two turned around to find the bodies of Hailee and the guys all stepping out of the car. "So you just leave without any notice?!" Hailee screamed. Shawn grinned, "That was the plan." And he ran off.

Hailee scowled, "Come back here!" Running after him as the others remained at the campfire laughing. Shawn made a quick decision and jumped into the water again and Hailee followed. The two rose from the water, to find the others laughing at them. They looked at each other and nodded.

The two ran out of the water and began to chase all of them. They took each of them down one by one until Camila and Brian were left. Shawn went after Camila and pinned her to the wall of the lake house. "Hey, baby." He murmured. She smiled, "Hi." He leant in and kissed her lips before picking her up and running into the water. A moment later, they came up laughing, joining the rest of their friends.

Minutes later, they all made their way up to bed, "Goodnight Shawn." She smiled. Shawn pressed his lips to Camila's. "Night Mila."

The next morning, the pair spent their time, kissing, hugging and watching movies before they made their way back to Camila's house, in the late afternoon. Shawn kissed her softly, "Good luck!" Camila giggled and kissed him again. "Thanks. I'm gonna need it." Camila smiled once more before she went into the house and opened the door.

A/N: Just a little filler chapter - vote and comment! I'm aiming for 20 votes on each chapter I publish before updating the next. Just a warning the next update is a dramatic one!

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