5. Struggles

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Camila woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. She had had a great night with Shawn and even got his phone number, something that, rather amusingly, they continued to forget.

Rising from her bed, Camila got changed quickly and ran down the stairs. As she reached the landing, she discovered her mother wasn't in the house. She let out a sigh of relief. She quickly ate her breakfast before walking out the door.

Halfway into her walk to school, she heard a car honk. She looked to her left to find Shawn and Hailee staring at her with smiles on their faces. She laughed at their faces and they soon joined. Shawn pulled the car up next to Camila, "Want a lift?" "Could I?" He nodded. "I'm dropping Hailee off anyway." She smiled and moved to get in the back when Hailee suddenly climbed over. "I'll sit here. Give you two lovebirds your space." Camila and Shawn both glared at the taller girl, as she grinned.

Camila climbed into the passenger's seat and Shawn began driving. "So how was your night yesterday?" Camila looked at her, questioning her. "You know Shawn was at your place." She looked over at him. He shrugged, indicating he didn't tell her that. "And what gave you that idea?" "Well Shawn went out at 5 and didn't come back until 11 and he didn't smell like alcohol, so he didn't go to the bar." Camila laughed.

"OK Haiz, anyway our night was great!" Shawn spoke up. "Did you kiss?" The two of them began to blush profusely. "No! We're friends!" They exclaimed in unison. "Right. Friends." Hailee smirked.

At that moment, Shawn pulled into the high school parking lot. "Thanks for the company Haiz. Now, get out." Hailee's jaw dropped open and Shawn burst into a fit of laughter. She stomped out the car, slamming the door and came up to Shawn's window. "Bye Shawna!" He growled. Camila giggled, "full name?"

"Don't you start." He glowered. "Well, it's been a pleasure but I must get going. See Ya Shawna!" And she jumped out the car. Shawn was gobsmacked for a moment before he jumped out of the car too. He snuck up behind Camila and wrapped his arms around her, spinning her around, causing her to squeal. Before he began to tickle her, she squealed and giggled and laughed all while screaming, "Stop! Stop! I won't ever call you Shawna again... Shawna!"

As he was about to pin her to his car, to give a better angle to tickle her, they were interrupted by a voice. "Mila. What are you doing?"

Shawn slowly let go of his hold on Camila and the two stood side by side, staring at the blonde girl in front of them. "Just talking to Shawn." Chloe looked over at Shawn, rolling her eyes. "And you are?"

"Shawn. As she said." He drawled, she glowered at him, he smirked. "Well, Shawn. What do you do?" He looked at her, she looked stuck up, perfectionist and spoilt. "None of your business." He spat. She glared, "Excuse me, but you have no rig-" "I just did."

He turned towards Camila and leant down pecking her forehead, "I'll see you later?" She nodded, her cheeks becoming rosy. He hugged her once more, both attempting to ignore the butterflies and jumped back in his car, saluting as he pulled out.

Camila giggled at Shawn's craziness as Chloe rolled her eyes, "Immature. What do you see in that guy?" "He's funny. What's your problem?" Camila wished that her mother had not put her in this friendship with Chloe, she missed her dad, but it was times like these; when she had to endure Chloe or her mother's interrogations, that she missed him especially, her father used to save her, she used to not be friends with Chloe as well, things change.

"You've been acting up for the last few days, ditching us, ignoring us. Your mother has been worried too." Camila internally groaned, that meant that by the end of the day, her mother would be aware of Shawn. Shit.

"Well, I'm fine. Just because I'm talking to new people doesn't mean I'm changing." Camila replied, hoping to escape the conversation or be saved by Hailee once more.

Unfortunately, luck was not on her side, Camila stood there for another five minutes listening to Chloe's continuous whining about how Camila couldn't talk to people outside of their group and how lucky she was to be allowed to join. When in reality, Camila wanted nothing to do with the girl.

Camila felt trapped and at the moment, Shawn was her only escape. She craved Shawn at that moment, to come and take her away from this world that she hated, but since that wasn't going to happen, she supposed she had to go with the next best thing. Hailee.

Finally, Camila had enough of the girl in front of her and marched off to her locker. "Camila!" She screamed, over and over again. Camila ignored the girl. As she arrived, Hailee stood waiting for her and Camila literally collapsed in her arms. "Save me." Hailee looked at her in questioning, when she saw the blonde girl, stomping up to them.

"She's busy." "With what?" Hailee sighed, even she had to admit; she needed Shawn at the current moment. "With life." "What?" Camila spoke up, "Chloe, could I please be left alone? I'm really stressed at the moment."

The blonde was about to shake her head before Camila glared at the girl and the blonde ran off. "Why don't you go to the Ranger?" Camila looked at her as if she were insane. "I'll claim your here, mess with the system and then you can be with Shawn." "He's at the Ranger?" Hailee nodded.

Camila shrugged her shoulders, she needed a break. Heaving her bag across her shoulder, she hugged Hailee before walking out of the school doors.

She weaved her way through the school drop-off traffic and began walking on the footpath. It seemed strange, she had only met Shawn a couple of days ago and she couldn't stay away. She was drawn and it possibly wasn't healthy, but he was her only escape.

Soon enough, she reached the doors of the Ranger and pushed them open. As she entered, she took in the sober appearance of those that were present, shocking really. Well, it was only 8:15.

Shawn sat in a booth by himself, seemingly contemplating life, or something like that. All she knew was that he was in a daze. She dropped her bag and plunked herself onto the chair opposite him, "Thinking?" He jumped. She laughed.

He looked at her as if she was crazy, "What are you doing here?"

"I got bored, Chloe was bothering me and Hailee told me to get away and find you, here." He nodded.

"Well, what do you want to do?" She shrugged, "You don't want to do anything?" "Have a drink?" He laughed. "You stressed." Leaning forward to lean on his chin. She nodded. "Need a break?" She nodded once more. "I know just what to do."

He quickly stood up, grabbing her hand as she grabbed her bag with the other hand. He dragged her to the back of the bar, where his jeep sat parked. He quickly unlocked the doors before turning to Camila, "Ready for an adventure?" An excitable grin gracing his features. Camila laughed, he reminded her of a five-year-old, excited at the simplest of things but she had to admit, his head tilted to the side, the eyes resembling a puppy dog, Camila just couldn't say no.

She nodded, quickly and chucked her bag in the back as she hopped into the car. Shawn hastily shut the door, scurrying around to the other side of the car. He twisted himself around to face Camila and smirked, "Ready?" He held his hand out, Camila grinned taking his hand,


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