15. Discovering

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An hour after the party was over, everyone had left except for Shawn and Camila who were rolling around in the treehouse, sharing numerous kisses, twisting and turning, engaging in their little activities.

"Shawn." Camila moaned as he bit the skin of her neck. Shawn smirked and whispered against her skin, "Say my name, baby." Camila blushed at the endearment and moaned his name out once more.

A few minutes later, Camila's phone began playing The Bitch is Back and she groaned at the interruption known as her mother. She reached over and picked up the phone, "Karla! Where are you?" She snapped through the phone. Camila tensed, a growl escaping her lips. "Mum! It's my birthday, I'm 18, I can stay out if I want." She replied.

"Karla! I want to know where you are, I need to know if you're safe, you could be hanging out with some gang leader for all I know." Camila grinned, her guess wasn't far off. "I promise, I'm fine, I'm with Chloe." "Where?" Her mother persisted. Shawn came up behind her and began to move his lips against her neck once more. "Babe, come back." He murmured.

"Who's that?" Camila remained silent, too distracted by Shawn's kisses. She let out barely audible whimpers, luckily they didn't reach her mother's ears, "Karla Camila Cabello, who is that man?" "Oh! It's just one of Chloe's friends, she invited them to a clearing to help celebrate my birthday." She rushed, desperate to get off the phone and move back to Shawn's awaiting arms. "Karla, are you telling me the truth?" Her mother hissed through the phone, Camila could feel her intense stare. Shawn's tongue licked at her skin before sucking and biting at Camila's neck. She sighed before leaving a rushed reply to her mother, "Yes of course gotta go mum. See you later!" And she clicked off the line.

She chucked the phone off to the side and turned around to face Shawn. "You really do like kissing me don't you." She whispered. Shawn smirked giving a slight nod before launching himself on the girl again as she giggled away, kissing the hungry boy back.

Camila's nimble fingers made their way to the hem of his shirt and tugged. Shawn released from the kiss for a brief moment pulling his shirt off before smashing his lips back onto hers.

Camila reached for her own shirt, but Shawn caught her fingers before she pulled it off. "You don't have to do that." He whispered. She smiled, "I know, I want to." She kissed his lips before pulling her shirt up.

Shawn's fingers immediately touched her skin, "You're so gorgeous." He murmured as his fingers danced along the exposed porcelain skin. "So, so beautiful." Camila blushed hiding her face, "Shawn." She whined. "Don't hide from me, there's nothing to hide." He whispered, caressing her face.

Camila leant into his touch before running her fingers across Shawn's chest, moving across the different sculptures of his body. Her hands rose back up to his hair and tugged as he groaned softly.

Camila began to grind against him and Shawn couldn't help the string of profanities, groans and moans leaving his mouth. Camila's hands moved to his hips and dipped her fingers into his waistband. Shawn's hands caught hers before they went further and carefully brought them out.

"No. I don't want to do that. Not now, you're too special to do that here." He smiled down at her. Camila nodded and curled herself into Shawn's chest. "Happy Birthday baby." He whispered and Camila fell into a deep slumber.

Sinu Cabello was mad, she had worked so hard to keep Camila away from all those things that she knew were terrible for her, gave her a new set of friends who would really be there for her daughter and now she was throwing it back in her face, going out with dangerous boys, seeing those despicable 'friends' of hers and even worse lying to her face. And how did Sinu hear about this, not from her own daughter but from Chloe, who warned Sinu that her daughter was being exposed to those barbarians.

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