2. Shawn Mendes

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The moment Shawn Mendes felt his drink hit his shirt, he felt anger run through his veins. He wanted to punch them in the face and leave them in a serious condition. However, all of that disappeared when he laid his eyes on the person who had covered him in his drink. She was short, pretty and brunette. He had a thing for brunettes and when she began to apologise, he just couldn't hold onto his anger.

Shawn couldn't help but bring her into a hug when he heard that her father died. She clearly looked unhappy and was wanting an escape, which he was happy to provide, even if it was by drinking. She had clearly never had a drink before, but she took it as it came. Taking the first sip, slowly but surely.

"So, Camila?" He began, after watching her slightly choke against the burning sensation of alcohol. She nodded. "How old are you?" "Seventeen, you?" "Nineteen." She nodded.

After that, they soon picked up topics to talk about and got to know one another better. Shawn couldn't deny that he found her very intriguing. She held herself as if she knew what was going on but if you looked closely like he was, then you would notice that she had no clue what to really do in these situations.

He felt a pair of eyes, staring at the two of them. He quickly glanced around to find Jack, one of his gang, glaring a hole into the back of Camila's head. Shawn felt a protective instinct wash over him. He quickly gave him a pointed look, before noticing that Camila wasn't paying attention and motioned to Jack with his hand, sliding across his neck. Jack gulped and turned away. Shawn smirked.

"So what made you come back here?" He asked. She sighed, which she had done a lot of tonight, "I don't really want to talk about it. I'm trying to forget, for a moment anyways." He nodded, "Okay. What do you like to do?" "I play the guitar, I like to go swimming, I like to go outside in general." He laughed at her sentence. "Cool." "What about you?" She asked. He didn't answer.

Shawn didn't really want to talk about what he and his gang did, it wasn't exactly great, but it wasn't terrible, well as terrible as others. "You don't have to tell me." He nodded, he wanted to tell her something that he did, just maybe not that. "I play the guitar, well used to." "Can you still play it?" He shrugged, "Probably." "Can I hear it, sometime?" He grinned, she smiled back.

He reached down to his jacket sleeve, to pull it up slightly, exposing his tattoo to Camila. "You have a tattoo?" He nodded and pulled it up all the way. She placed her hand on his arm, running it up and down the tattoo, tracing the many lines. "What does it mean?"

He sighed, "The guitar is my love for music, the skyline is Toronto and this bit in the middle is my family saying they love me." He hoped she didn't ask further questions, he didn't want to go into it.

Instead, her eyes widened in realisation, "Shoot! What's the time?" She looked panicked. He reached into his back pocket, pulling it out and turned it on. "9:45" she jumped. "Sorry, but I really have to go." She jumped up and moved to leave money on the counter. He quickly grabbed her hand, "I'll pay." She nodded, still in a rush.

She hurried towards the door and was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist. She turned around and looked at him, "Shawn. It's been fun but I really need to go." He laughed at her panicked state, "Will you come back?" She nodded. He kept his grip, "Promise?" He leant in closer, so she couldn't escape. "Promise." She smiled. He grinned, "See you soon." He dropped her wrist and watched her run off.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought of the girl, she was different than the others that were in the gang or that he hooked up with.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a hand grabbing his shoulder. He swiftly turned around, ready to attack before realising it was only Brian. "Ready to go?" Shawn nodded. He quickly paid for his and Camila's drink before walking out and entering the car.

As they drove through the roads, Shawn's thoughts were consumed by Camila. He never met anyone like her, she was funny, intriguing and rather pretty. Shawn stared out the window as they passed houses. He stopped breathing for a moment, when they passed a large white brick house, the cars sitting in the driveway. He wanted to go back there, he really did, but he couldn't, they wouldn't let him. He sighed, feeling a tear in his eye. He quickly wiped it away and focused back on the road.

When they arrived at their house, the gang quickly piled out and Shawn quickly made his way to his room to avoid any questions about Camila. It was bad enough Hailee was constantly harassing him about finally having someone in his life and as soon as she hears about Camila, Shawn knew that she won't stop until she achieved her goal.

He heard a knock at the door, "Go away, Hailee!" "I'm not leaving Shawn!" He groaned and got up from his bed, opening the door. "What would you like?" She glowered at him, outside he showed no emotion, but on the inside, he couldn't deny that he was fearful of that look.

After another minute of the two glaring at one another, Hailee shoved her way into his room. "So who's this girl you were at the bar with?" He groaned, shutting the door before sliding down it and holding his head in his hand. "How did you find out?" "Jack." He laughed, "He must be happy." "Just because he's against it, doesn't mean you have to spend all your time single." He looked up at her, she sat on his bed, as if she spent most of her life there. Which she did.

Shawn had met Hailee when he was nine and she was eight before he met anyone else in the gang. They spent so many years together, they were practically siblings. When Shawn had been kicked out at age sixteen, he came to Hailee, she was on her own as well, they met the gang and the two moved in with them. Despite their friendship with the gang, they would never reveal their problems to anyone but each other. Of course, Hailee still loved to meddle with his love life.

"So what's her name?" "Camila." "Surname?" "Cabello." She thought for a moment, "I know her. She's friends with that whiny girl, Chloe. She used to be friends with Lauren." "What happened?" "I think it was something to do with her mum." He nodded.

He clapped his hands together, standing up, "Well Haiz, it's been a real pleasure, but now I must say goodnight. So get out!" And pointed to the door. She stayed planted to the bed.

He groaned, moved to the bed and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the door as she released incoherent splutters of denial. Once she was out, she stomped down the corridor, before turning around. He grinned, gave a wave before slamming the door shut on her and locking it.

Slowly he got changed, thinking about what Hailee said. He didn't like Camila like that, he saw her as a friend. He was sure of it. But it didn't mean that he didn't want to see her again. He really did.

Once he was in his sweatpants, he climbed into bed, being sent to sleep by the thoughts of Camila. He couldn't wait to see her again.

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