21. Heartbreak

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Camila slowly entered the house and began to make her way over to the stairs, when a voice stopped her, "Karla. Come here." Camila cursed under her breath, Damn it. She made her way into the room, where her mother sat in her father's chair, the only thing she kept. "Yes, Mother?" She asked, the cold ice evident in her tone. Sinu's jaw clenched, "Don't talk to me like that. You rude child." Camila glared back at the woman, "I'm not a child anymore, I'm 18. I can make choices for myself." She hissed once more at her mother, the phrase having rolled off her tongue a few times in the previous months. "Clearly not! When you spend all your time with that wretched boy." Camila's nostrils flared as she took a step closer to her mother bringing them face to face. She wasn't going to let her mother win, to give her the satisfaction of giving in. "Don't you dare talk about him like that! Shawn is all I have, he is the best thing in my life and you can't take him away from me." She seethed at the woman standing in front of her. 

And then the worst sight Camila had ever seen appeared, a smirk crossed Sinu's face and her eyes brightened before speaking three torturous words, "But I can."

Camila gasped and fell back into the couch behind her before raising her head, "How?" Sinu's smirk widened. "It's simple really. I can get him arrested, all I have to  do is go to the police and give them this piece of his clothing, I found in the house, and claim he threatened us, that he tried to kill us." Camila laughed, "That's not gonna work, you have no proof, I can just say no, I can tell them the truth." Sinu's face morphed into a Joker-like grin and she raised a tape, "I can show them this tape." Camila felt the dread gather in her stomach again.

"What's on it?" She croaked. The wicked grin grew again. "A little video of him dangerously  driving on that race track, before you got arrested instead of him." Camila gasped, that would destroy him, she couldn't let that happen to him. "What do you want?" She asked as she glared up at her mother.

"I want you to break up with him." Her mother sneered and tears began to fall down Camila's face, Sinu leant in close to the girl's face, "And if you don't, then I'll take this to the police. His life we'll be ruined, he'll be alone and destroyed stuck in a prison cell and it will be all your fault. You wouldn't want that, would you Kar-?" Camila stood up cutting her mother off and spoke the words she knew she had no choice but to say, "You win. I'll do it." She sighed, "I'll break up with him." Sinu's grin grew even larger and Camila shook her head in response.


The rain poured down as Camila waited for Shawn's car to pull up at the clearing, her mother sat in the car at the other side waiting for the break up to happen. Camila couldn't believe this was happening, she couldn't believe he was being ripped away from her, this was breaking her and it would surely break him.

Finally, his car pulled up, the bright lights blinding her for a moment before they shut off and Shawn climbed out of the car. "Mila? Why did you call?" He asked as he moved closer, but she took a step back. "Listen, we need to talk." Shawn tilted his head in confusion. "About what?" Camila sighed and looked down for a moment before looking back up and uttering the words she never wanted to say. "We need to break up."

Shawn stumbled for a brief moment before grabbing her arm, preventing her from leaving, while steadying himself. "What? Why? We've been so good! Why?" Camila couldn't tell him, she couldn't risk it, she had to lie, she had to tell him what he couldn't bear to hear. "I don't love you anymore."

Shawn froze, his grip loosening as Camila backed away. "No you don't, you love me, you told me this morning." He murmured as he backed her into a tree before yelling out, "You love me, don't lie to me!" "I'm not lying to you!" She forced out. Shawn shook his head and surged forward forcing his lips upon hers, for a moment, she kissed back savouring the last few moments, the last kiss, she had with him, before she wrenched away from him. "Shawn! I don't love you, you have to accept that." She tried again. Shawn pulled her closer, shaking his head, "You're all I have, I can't lose you. I won't lose you." He cried out. She tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go. "Shawn, you have to let go." Shawn kept his head buried in her neck, shaking his head over and over again. "Shawn!" She tried again.

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