17. Crazy

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Over the next few days, Camila worked to keep her rage at bay, so she didn't attack Chloe, but it proved too strong to resist. So come Monday, Camila stalked into school, Hailee by her side and searched for Chloe. As soon as she caught sight of the blonde girl she screamed and ran up to the girl grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, "You! How could you tell my mother?" Camila shook her vigorously as Chloe cried out in protest. Hailee took hold of Camila's hand and pulled it away from the blonde girl, "Camila! Calm down! You don't want to get suspended." She warned. Camila sighed taking a deep breath and counting to ten before turning back to the blonde, "Why did you do it? You never even liked me anyway?" "Exactly, I didn't want you to be happy." "But at the cost of having me follow you around again when all your friends hate me?" "If it keeps you away from that guy." "Shawn?" "Yeah! Him!" 

"He hasn't done anything wrong to you, nor have I!" "He hasn't but you have." "What did I do?" Camila pushed. The blonde girl stomped her foot to the ground and shrieked, "Everything. You did everything to hurt me and ruin my life!" "Well, that's a bit dramatic." Hailee quipped in the background. "Shut it, Steinfeld!" Hailee took a step back raising her hands in surrender. "But what did I do? All I've done is talk to Shawn and from that moment you spent every moment keeping us apart, why?" Chloe rolled her eyes as if she was stupid, "It wasn't for your benefit."

Camila took a step back gasping, "You like him?" Chloe nodded, "So all this time, when you were rude to him and said he was dangerous, it was a facade?" The blonde nodded again. "Why didn't you say something?" "Because you wouldn't listen to me, so I figured if I pushed you apart then-" "You could have him all to yourself, that's why you told my mother, you knew she'd try to break us up." Chloe didn't answer, she didn't have to, Camila knew it. 

Hailee stepped closer to the pair, "Well, I hope you know Shawn and Camila won't be breaking up anytime soon." She told the blonde, "Maybe, maybe not." Camila couldn't take the blonde anymore after two years of harassment and bossing her around, she had reached her limit, so she pounced on her. She clawed at her face screaming at the girl, "How could you? I never did anything to you." She screamed as she relentlessly attacked the helpless girl. Hailee attempted to pull Camila off but she couldn't grasp a firm hold on the girl.

Unfortunately for Camila, she was stopped by the voice of the school principal, "Camila Cabello, get off of the girl." Camila immediately let go of the girl and stood up to look at the principal to find standing next to him were Chloe's lackeys. "All three of you to my office. Now!"

Oh, she was in trouble.


Camila was right of course, as soon as she was called into the office she was told off for the pain she caused the blonde girl, however, the principal understood Camila's difficult situation, having met her mother and experienced Chloe's manipulative ways, so he gave her a chance to explain what caused her fit of rage. Camila told him the story of the past few months and watched as face contorted with several emotions, "I won't expel you, you haven't been severe enough for that and quite frankly I don't think you deserve it so you're suspended for a week, however, I can assure you that Chloe shall receive a similar sentence." Camila sighed, admittedly it was a better situation than anticipated but nevertheless, she was really in for it when her mother heard this, no doubt, Chloe was already feeding lies to the woman now and then Shawn would get all the blame for the situation.

Camila walked out of the office to find Chloe and her lackeys smirking, "Don't worry Mila, I'm sure your mother will give you what you deserve." "I'm not sure yours will." She walked past ready to leave the building when she stopped, ready to go home, well to Shawn, when she turned back around, "You know you are one of the most manipulative, self-centered people I have ever met. I hate you." They all gasped taking a step back. "You can't talk to Chloe like that," Camila smirked. "I just did." They all frowned. "Now it has been a real pleasure spending the past two years with you, but I must be off and let the worst of things come to you. But the one thing I don't understand is why you even liked him. You never knew he existed until he entered my life." The girl smirked down at her, "I like to experiment." Camila's eyes widened, "You wanted him because I wanted him, you don't like him." Chloe shook her head, "Admittedly, at first that was my reason but then he is rather fit so when I saw him I thought, why not take him for myself?" Camila moved to slap her, before dropping her hand, "You're not even worth it." She swiftly turned around to find Shawn staring at her.

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