4. Moments

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Shawn couldn't deny it. When Camila agreed to hang out with him and to have him sneak her out, he was ecstatic. Shawn had to admit, it was strange that Hailee had suddenly gone up to Camila and he was sure, she had attempted to meddle with Camila and him. Which he didn't want. He wanted to get to know Camila, spend time with her, on his own, without Hailee's help.

As he arrived back in his driveway, he slammed his car door shut, opened the front door, dropping his car keys at the stand by the door and grabbed a bottle of water. As he took a sip of his water, he realised he had never gotten Camila's number. He raised a hand to his head and groaned.

He heard Hailee climb down the stairs, "Hey Shawn." He stared at her, she'd done something. He knew it. She looked at his face, seeing his half smirk and screamed, before running. He laughed and began chasing after her. The two ran around the house until they reached Hailee's room and Shawn tackled her to her bed. Hailee fidgeted beneath him, attempting to escape, but after a minute or two gave up, realising she was getting nowhere. She looked up at him, "What did you do?" He demanded to know. "Nothing." She grinned.

"Haiz!" She laughed. "I was talking to my friend." He looked at her incredulously, "Right. Your friend that you only showed interest in once you found out I met her in the bar." She nodded. "What did tell her?" "Nothing of your concern." He glared. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me." She smirked, "What if I had her phone number?" Shawn's eyes widened, "Do you?" Her smirk widened, "Maybe." He groaned, contemplating whether or not to let her go. Finally, he decided to take the risk and rolled off of her standing up, letting her get up.

She jumped on her tip-toes, kissed her cheek, causing Shawn to scowl. She laughed before walking out the door. Shawn stared gobsmacked, a scowl taking over his features. She suddenly peeked her head back round, "By the way, I lied." His scowled deepened and he stalked past Hailee and slammed his bedroom door, face planting into the mattress. He pulled off his jacket and rolled onto his back, he stared up at the ceiling in boredom. He had nothing to do. He could go to the bar, the nightclub or annoy Hailee, but that's not what he wanted.

He wanted to see Camila, he knew where she lived, maybe he could go see her. After all, if they were to hang out he needed her number.

Smiling, he stood back up and grabbed his jacket once more. Shrugging it onto his shoulders, he opened the door and made his way down the stairs. He grabbed his keys and contemplated telling the gang where he was going before coming to the conclusion that he didn't want to be interrogated until he got back, even though he planned to just climb through his window.

He slammed the front door shut, he clambered into his car and saw Hailee looking out her window, a wide smirk on her face. He stuck his finger up at her before putting his keys in the engine and pulled out the driveway.

Twenty minutes later, Shawn had pulled up down the road from Camila's house, he figured that his mother would not appreciate his presence, from what Camila had told him about her and so decided to climb through the window.

He walked down the street, keeping cautious of anyone who may recognise him. He didn't want to get involved with police or any of his ex-friends or relationships.

Shawn finally reached Camila's drive and walked up slowly, taking note of the car that sat in the driveway, notifying Shawn that Camila's mother was in the house. It was at this moment, he realised that he had no idea where Camila's room was and that he had no idea what the set-up of the house was. Once again, Shawn's hand hit his forehead.

He saw a light switch on and the front door open. He cursed under his breath and ducked down by the side of the car. He looked up seeing Camila's mother come out of the door. He had to admit there was a large familiarity between the mother and daughter in appearance but personality wise, from what Camila had told him, they couldn't be more different.

Camila's mother moved towards the car, unlocking it. She opened the driver's side of the car before she stopped and began to move to the passenger's seat. Shawn cursed again and got down on his knees, crawling to hide in the bushes. He silently groaned that he was on his knees in the bushes, potentially ruining his favourite pair of clothes. He ran his hand through his hair, lightly gripping before letting go as he heard the car finally pull out of the driveway.

He perched up on his knees, checking the car was gone. He smiled and began moving around to the back of the house. All the lights in the house were off except for one room in the corner of the house. He walked round so that he was beneath the window and looked up.

A smile graced his features when he saw the brunette head of Camila sat in a chair in the room. Shawn looked around, trying to find a way up when he spotted the tree standing next to him. He began to climb the tree, it was at this point he realised he could have just knocked on the door, he groaned again, his hand hit his head again.

When he finally reached the window, he knocked on the glass. Camila didn't hear him or just passed it off as a bird. He knocked again and again, waiting for her to answer. Finally, she turned around, letting out a frustrating sigh, which ceased when she realised she was staring at Shawn.

Quickly, she rushed over to the window, opening the latch and pulling it up. "Shawn!" She gasped, "What are you doing here?" He smiled at her. "I wanted to see you, but I also realised that I didn't have your number." She laughed. "Well, I guess we can talk, I mean I have to finish my work-"

Shawn cut her off with a groan, "It can wait." She let out a sigh, "It's OK. You won't fall behind." She finally gave in. "Alright." She moved to let Shawn in. He climbed through, shutting the window and hugged the shorter girl. She wrapped her arms around him and Shawn couldn't help but lean into her hold. Maybe Haiz is right...

He quickly shook the thought from his head, pulling away from Camila and smiled down at her. "So what did you want to do?" His smile grew. "I wanted to get to know you better." She smiled back.

She flip-flopped onto her bed and Shawn laughed as she pulled him next to her. She turned to her side and he followed suit. "What would you like to know?" She asked. He grinned, "Everything." He rose slightly from the bed to toss his jacket, before lowering himself back down.

She began to speak about her life, who her friends were, who they were now, what she liked and at one point she even began to talk about her father, a topic which he knew was touchy, but she stayed away from the relationship she had with her mother, which Shawn understood and did not push.

Finally, he asked, "What did Haiz say to you?" She couldn't help but laugh, "She started asking me questions and then told me how you two knew one another." "And?" She looked away, "Nothing." He raised a hand to her face, tilted it to look at him. "Mila, don't lie to me." "She told me I was your type."

Great. Now Haiz had put this thought in both their minds, this wasn't going to end well. "I told her we were just friends and wouldn't ever be more." Shawn couldn't help but feel his heart dropped, he felt friend zoned. It was strange, he didn't expect that feeling.

He shook it off and laughed along with her. "Yea. Ridiculous." The two soon stopped howling and Camila began to yawn.

"Are you sleepy?" She nodded. "Go to sleep. I'll head home. I don't want to get caught." She nodded and closed her eyes.

Shawn picked up his jacket and began to make his way back to the window when Camila stopped him. "Phone number." He laughed, realising that once again. He had forgotten. "Right." Quickly telling him her number, Camila fell to sleep almost as soon as she got the final number out of her mouth.

Shawn tucked her under the covers, turned the light off and headed out the window, not before whispering, "Goodnight, Camila."

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