Can't kill something that's already dead

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"Y/N! WHERE THE HELL IS OUR BREAKFAST?!" My brothers scream from the downstairs. I jolt out from my blankets in my bed and my eyes bolted to the clock. "10:26... CRAP!" I read the time to myself. I was 2 hours late to cook breakfast. Tears welled up in my eyes as I imagined the beating I would get for being so late. I quickly put on a yellow dress that I made myself out of my brother's old clothes, and an off-white colored apron. I ran downstairs into the kitchen where my family was sitting impatiently staring at me with angry expressions. "Well who looked who decided to do something with their life" my mother said mockingly. I did not make eye contact to anyone sitting at that table, I couldn't.  "You aren't even worth all the trouble we go through for you Y/N" My oldest brother Caleb said. Caleb worked as a cop and stopped the criminals from killing each other in their cells. He was not the prettiest guy in the family, but he was not bad looking, so all the girls in the neighborhood- wait- all the girls who have met him all love him. They don't know how much of a selfish prick he actually is. "Shut up Caleb. She just woke up late ok? It's not that big of a deal. Her breakfast isn't good anyway" my second oldest brother, Mark, said. I stopped what I was doing and put my hands over my eyes so they wouldn't see my tears flooding out. My Dad saw what I was doing and grabbed his cup and threw it at my head. My brothers my mother laughed as I moved my hands from my face to the back of my head where the glass cup shattered at. My silent crying was now no longer silent and I was full on ugly crying now. "LOOK! THE LITTLE TROLL BABY IS CRYING NOW!" Caleb mocked making baby crying faces at me. Mark tagged along and started making "whaaa" noises while doing the same hand movements. I was not going to take it anymore so I grabbed the frying pan that was heating the eggs of the stove, and threw it at Caleb square in the face. My Dad was furious so he walked up to me, grabbed my  H/C hair, and pulled me up to my room. "Maybe you should just kill yourself now you fu**ing disappointment" my Dad said. He slammed my door and locked it from the outside.
        I paced around my room not knowing what to do. I knew the hair pulling was not going to be the end of it. I looked at my S/C wrists that were now bruised from the abuse that came before this morning. I have had enough of this. Tears of anger and hate started to pour out of my eyes. I knew what I had to do. I knew I would never leave this place and this hellish life. I would need to escape. I quickly pulled out my old guitar case which was useless until now because my parents burned my guitar. I started to pull some clothes and my important things. This took a couple hours because of the interruptions, the in-between beatings from my father and brothers. My family finally got tired of beating me because I stopped crying after a few times. They all went to bed. I finally finished packing my case. I walked to my door to go out the front door, but my father locked me into my bedroom. I sighed and walked back to my bed trying to figure out what to do next.
'The window' I thought. I ran to the window with my case and opened it. My house was two stories high, so I would have to jump. I needed to be free. I NEEDED THIS. I crawled out the window with my guitar case and stood on top of the roof. I sighed and closed my window to prevent suspicion from the neighbors. Without hesitation, I jumped from the roof. I landed straight on my feet. I was surprised it didn't hurt. I then started to run to the dock for the ferry. I had saved one thousand dollars in my whole eighteen years of my life.
(Time skip)
I got there at 11:56 pm and the next ferry was going to Paris at midnight. I bought a ticket for that exact trip. Midnight came and I was never to be seen again by my abusive family again.

-=Hope ya liked this chapter! I will include Erik next chapter I think! Love yeh- DAisY=-

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now