I'm not an angel

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I waited patiently for y/n for her lesson. Tonight will be the night I tell her she will be the new Prima Donna and she will lead in the new production. It was now 3:24 am. She was supposed to come here at 3:00 am sharp. "Where is she?" I said to myself angrily. I was really annoyed. I made all of these plans to teach her to sing better and she stands me up like this. I then decided I was going to find her. I zoomed out of my lair to the Opera House. What the hell was she thinking? She can't just abandon her angel! Can she?

I could not sleep at all. All of these rumors about this "phantom" I was getting a little freaked out. I mean, the girl everybody was talking about was a girl, a chef, and would be the new Prima Donna, even though to be a Prima Donna you have to sing. Don't get me wrong, I can sing, I couldn't imagine being better than Emma though. I paced around my dorm trying to free myself from the thoughts of 'what if I'M the girl?' 'What if your angel is the phantom'. The last thought hit me like lightning. What if my angel is the Phantom of the Opera. Why would he want ME? I began to worry. If he is the phantom, and if he knew that I knew it was him, what would happen to me? What would he do to me?
A strange part of me believed that he wouldn't hurt me, but, how can I trust a man I just barely met? That's right, I CAN'T. It all made sense now.
I then looked to the clock to see how much time I had till I have to leave for lessons. "Crap..." I whispered to myself. My eyes grew wide as saucers with fear. "I-I'm late" I whispered. 'He'll probably look for me... oh no. He's looking for me' I thought. I needed to hide. But where? I knew I wasn't safe in my dorm, so I threw on a black cloak and ran off towards the entrance. My feet barely made a sound, they were moving so fast. Suddenly, that sick feeling of something watching you washed over me. It was him. I knew it was him. I ran even faster to the entrance. A noise of something hitting the cold, marble floor fell behind me. I swear everything was in slow motion. I was just about to exit but he pulled my cloak back, choking me. He pulled me close enough so our chests were together as if we were hugging. I kept my hands at my sides looking at the ground. He then raised his hand and put it under my chin gently and raised it so I would have to look into his blue eyes. Those eyes... they burned, they made shivers crawl up my spine. It was similar to an adrenaline rush. My angel, he just started back into my big e/c eyes with a concerned and confused expression. Soon, everything went black.

Y/n tried to escape the opera house last night... why? Something was up with her yesterday, but I'd never think it would lead to this. She couldn't possibly know I was the Phantom of the Opera, could she? I took her down to my lair. Thoughts kept flooding into my brain, 'How could she know?' 'Why would she leave me?' 'I knew she was getting to suspicious' 'what am I going to do with her?'. I sighed and put her on my bed swan bed. I noticed she was filthy from work, so I quickly grabbed a dress that I made for her, and changed her. It didn't feel right to just leave her there. I let her sleep for a few hours while I tried to think about how I'm going to explain why she's in another dress than before, and how I'll ask her why she even dared to leave me.

I cooked up some spaghetti for y/n for when she wakes up, like the gentleman I am. It's the least I can do for kind of kidnapping her and making her pass out, like she does every time I sneak up on her, I suddenly felt really bad for what I did earlier  I actually didn't mean to pull her that hard. I felt really bad for choking my love like that. I will swear to her, that will never happen again.
I soon heard something in the bedroom. 'She must be awake' I thought. I carefully pulled the curtain up to see y/n sitting straight up with her arms folded. She looked angry. "Why the hell am I here? You have some explaining to do" she stated angrily. I quietly sat on the bed next to her and sighed. I didn't want to tell her who I really am. The monster, I truly am. She looked at me with a changed expression. She could tell I was sad. She had care in her eyes. Kindness radiated off of her. She stared into my soul and whispered," you're not an angel aren't you?" I moved my head 'no'. She then slouched on the bed, her head resting on her arm. She then realized that she wasn't wearing her same clothes as before. "WHAT THE HELL AM I WEARING?!" She boomed. I flinched at her sudden change of emotion. She made the very Phantom of the Opera scared. I scooted off the bed and came toward her since she jumped off it. I placed my hands on the sides of her arms and gently moved them to her hands. I signaled her to follow me and she did. I sat her down on one of my many sofas. "Well, Explain" she demanded. I sighed and gave up. So much with the whole 'angel' thing. "Ever since Chris-" I stopped. The name 'Christine' made me cringe. I then continued on with the explanation. "Ever since she left me, I've been a mess. I haven't eaten, slept, nor composed anything. Then you came here. You seem to brighten up any room, you make the people around you happy, including me. So, I decided I was going to be your angel like you were mine," I explained.
"When you came here, I started to compose again, you fed me... I-I tried to deserve something as good as you, but the only thing I could provide was music. And your voice, it sounds better than any Angel's I've heard before." I gently grabbed her soft hands and held them. "It would be an honor to teach you" I said meaning every word I just said. She looked at the floor and smiled. Her cheeks were now a light shade of pink. "Please, y/n... d-don't leave... I-I I don't think i can handle it anymore.." I explained tears welling up in my eyes. I've never cried in front of anyone before except for... her. Y/n looked up at me. She fad a faint smile plastered on her delicate face. "I-I meant why I'm wearing a new dress but I guess that is irrelevant anymore... I-I don't know what to sayyy" she said smiling more than she was before. As soon as I know it, her arms wrapped around me. She was hugging me. Swiftly, I hugged her back. I have never actually been hugged before that long... I felt special. She carefully let go of me. She wiped away the tears that have fallen from my eyes, off my cheeks. She quickly got up and ran to the kitchen. "I SMELL FOOD" she yelled with glee. I knew she was something else... I love her.

-=I don't really know about this chapter tbh... watever though 😂 love yeh- DAisY=-

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now