More food?

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I waited worried about Y/n. All she did was write a note saying she's fine, and that she'll be back in a few hours! She didn't write down where she was, who was with her, or even if she took anything! I was very angry and worried. Similar to a parent when their child is past curfew. Suddenly, I heard something splashing around in the water. It was Y/n! I smiled and helped her out of the boat. She looked very happy. Confused, I asked her what was wrong. She clapped her hands together and grabbed mine. She lead me to one of the sofas and sat me down. She then pulled out a very fancy note. I knew this handwriting from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She rushed me to open the letter, and to read it. After I opened it, I realized who this was from. Her. How dare she even THINK about me after what she did to me. It had no meaning to read that wretched letter, so I threw it at the ground and got up. I began to walk to one of my rooms to try and think why Y/n would give that letter to me. She knew something. "HEY! What's wrong?" She asked a little bit angry. I looked at her as if she thought playing with a gun was a good idea. She stepped back and put her hands to her hips, waiting for a response. "WELL?" She said even angrier before. "I don't want to hear anything from that daft girl ever again. I thought you of all people would get that by now" I replied sternly trying to walk away. Y/n yanked my arm back and forced me to look at her. "LOOK ASSCRACK, I went to Christine's house, and made her write an apology letter saying she was inconsiderate of your feelings and she was a Jerk. NOW YOU LITTLE TURD, you are GOING to sit down and read that letter if you like it or not. It took very much effort trying to not pull my dagger out and point it at her head and MAKE her write it, so you best not try my patience. Or else, you'd get the Sam treatment that she would've had" Y/n snapped at me. She was furious. She then angrily stormed out and went into the bedroom, and shut the curtains so I couldn't see her anymore.
I never knew any girl could be so... so... vicious, yet so sweet. It scared me, so I quickly ran to the couch and read that letter, top to bottom as if my life depended on it. It was a very nice letter if I had to be completely honest. I'm surprised y/n persuaded her to do this.
I neatly put the letter back into the envelope and swiftly went to go and apologize to Y/n. I quietly pulled the rope to lift the curtains. She wasn't there. There was nowhere she could've gone, so I began to panic. "Y/N?!" I frantically called out. I then heard giggling from the ceiling. I stepped back and heard it again. It was a sick giggle. It made my soul cringe. As soon as I know it, Y/n's head comes swinging down from a little hole in the ceiling, and she smiled at me. "Scared ya?" She asked smugly. She then gracefully came swinging down from her hiding spot. I had my arms crossed with an angry look on my face. She mimicked my expression and giggled away. I was mad, but it was something about her that made me calm.

She started making food, which to my knowledge was a quesadilla or something like that. Hey. what can I say, I don't get out much. Holy hell she can cook. it was like she put some sort of addictive substance into this food, and cooked it in God's tears. When we finished the food, we just sat and talked for hours, as soon as I know it, she was drooling on my arm, asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, I gently walked to the bedroom, and tucked her into the majestic swan bed.

I realized that it was late, and that it was time for bed anyway, so I grabbed a blanket, and slept on one of the many sofas in the lair. I couldn't stop thinking of how much I appreciate her. It is almost impossible to describe what I felt for her. Only in a short amount of days with her, it feels as if we've known each other our whole lives. Chris-she was different, yes she was beautiful, yes she could sing, but nothing can compare to Y/n. She and only she, is truly my angel.

-=I hope ye like this chapter! Of ya want, don't forget to vote, comment, whatever! Love yeh- ya girl=-

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