A tragedy

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I woke up with a huge headache. All  I remember of last night, was making dinner and Erik asking me about my quesadilla. After that, everything became a stressful blur. I sat up from the swan bed to realize that Erik must've carried me here. I smirked. I quietly got up from the bed, which I did way too fast, making me feel dizzy. I luckily regained my balance and began to walk around and explore the lair. Everything here was beautiful. All of Erik's creations moved me so much, without words. As I was walking around, I saw Erik sleeping on a sofa. This made me very upset. He put someone else in his bed, in his house, and he slept on a sofa. The thought buzzed around my head. 'Why would he do that?' 'He could've just put me on a sofa, why didn't he?' I thought to myself. I decided I needed to show him my gratitude for everything he has done for me, so I put on one of the many dresses Erik has made for me, and went off.

I discovered that it was nighttime in Paris. I haven't realized that I haven't been out shopping since before I even met Erik, so I decided to savor the time here. Most of the shops weren't open at this hour, but luckily, there were a couple cute shops that would have something special for my Erik. I walked into a little, cute shop called 'Tina's Tiny Trinkets.' Not knowing what to expect, all I could see was many different toys and teacups and a galore of Music boxes that filled the shop with soft songs. I walked around for what seemed like hours until something caught my eye. There, stood the most wonderful thing I've ever seen in my whole 18 years of life. It was a music box that had a monkey on top of it, that held symbols in its tiny hands. It was similar to the one Erik had already, but instead of the monkey being made out of a type of plastic, the monkey was made out of a shiny steel. The box was shiny as well, but it was red at the corners, and was gold on the rest of the box. I picked up the magical object and he'd it in my hands. I turned the handle to play the beautiful, soft song. The worker there saw me mesmerized by the object. She chuckled and walked toward me. "You can also get it engraved" said the worker. I snap out of the hypnosis the box put me in and nodded happily toward the worker. I figured out what I was getting Erik. I gave the music box to the lady to pay. "Would you like anything engraved into it?" She asked kindly. "How much extra will that be?" I asked doubtful. The lady sighed and looked at me. "No extra charge, I can see it is special" the worker smiled softly. I flashed a toothy smile at her and thanked her. "Can you write a message on it?" I asked attentively. "Yes I can! What would you like?" The worker responded. "Write, 'Dearest Erik, thank you for just being so kind and helpful to me. I appreciate all that you do for me. Forever yours, Y/n'" I said to the worker trying to figure out the right words to say. The worker nodded and began to carefully engrave my words into the music box. When she finished, she passed me my gift, and smiled. "How much will that be?" I asked getting out money for the lady. "No charge, I can see it is special to you" she said softly. I thanked her and gave her a crisp high-five and headed back to the opera house. (A/n anyone get me reference?)
(Time skip)
Since it was still night in Paris, I went back into the lair with ease. Even though it has only been a couple times since I went out, I managed to memorize each trap and corner of the tunnels. When I finally got to the lair, to my surprise, Erik wasn't there. I checked every room and hiding place, but found no trace of him. I carefully put down the music box, and headed back upstairs to the opera house. It was quite beautiful at night. There was silence in the air that made me feel calm. My feet glided across the, cold hard, floor almost silently. The cool air swished through my hair as I slid around like a ninja. Suddenly, ruining my fun, I hear something very, very strange coming from the kitchen. I silently walk towards the sound. When I got there, something didn't feel right. I crouched behind a wall, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE" a voice yell-whispered. I knew that voice from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "N-n-no please, I just wanted to be in the spotlight for a while... t-that's all" the second voice said with noticeable fear. I knew that voice, the thick accent slapped me in the face, it was Barbara. I stood up straight, and knew I had to do something. I quickly went around the wall and yelled, "HEY!" When the other person turned around, I saw Barbara on the floor... with a lasso around her neck. That person..he was wearing a black cloak, along with a white mask. My eyes grew wide and welled up with tears of fear. It was Erik. "WHO'S TH-" he tried to say when he realized it was me.
I took off running. How could he do that?! She was my only friend when I got here! Hot tears flooded out from my eyes as I kept running towards the exit. For a brief second, I turned around to see Erik chasing after me and calling my name. I was shocked, confused, and scared all at the same time. As I opened the door to escape, I turned back to see Erik not too far from me. I blinked, and as soon as I knew it, everything dissolved into a stressful blur.

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now