Planny plan

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Your mom

We entered into the bar a block away from the Opera house. Ever since Y/n left, we tried to track her down, and bring her back home, where she would continue to do whatever we wanted. We figured out that she left, the morning after she ever so selfishly threw a hot, frying pan at her beloved, brother's face. Now, he has a huge burn mark over his eyes, and nose. We figured, she would leave the town, so we asked the ferry-ticket seller if she boarded. He replied with a 'yes' and told us where she went. Next, we asked our friends, Christine and Raoul De' Changy, and turns out, Y/n showed up at their house! So, we knew she was definitely in Paris. After a long day of searching for our bratty girl, we decided to drink off some stress.


I woke up to Erik gently poking my head. "Wake up, mon ange" Erik cooed at me. I groaned and turned my back to him. "Five more minut-" I tried replying as I quickly fell asleep again. "I made fooood," Erik said now, shaking me. I shot up out of the bed when Erik said the word 'food'. "Yes, food, I'm ready!" I piped joyfully. I hopped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. The amazing smell of cake filled the lair. "yesssssssssss," I whispered to myself. I swiftly grabbed a plate and began to pile cake onto it. Erik giggled at my hungriness, and grabbed a plate himself, and placed a perfect slice of cake onto it. We sat on one of his many sofas and talked about the randomness of our lives. We ended up on the topic of how I even got to Paris. "So, I was like, 'I'm not gonna listen to you anymore' and I threw the frying pan at his face" I said truthfully. Erik laughed so hard, he was red. I then noticed he was wearing a mask, like before last night. "Ya know, you don't have to wear a mask around me" I said shoveling more cake into my face. "I know, it's just for when I go out, and so I remember to put it on" He sighed. I shrugged and began to eat more of the delicious cake. "yah kno, thish cake ish reeealhy goohd" I said with my mouthful. He nosed exhaled and smiled. "You learn a lot of things when you're down here your whole life," Erik joked "I'm glad you like it sweetheart." I then remembered last night when he called me 'sweetheart'. I remembered how he kinda confessed his love to me and everything. I blushed and looked down at my plate at the remaining crumbs of the huge piece of cake. I walked up to the sink to wash off my plate, remembering every detail of last night. I then suddenly stopped walking, and froze. 'How could I forget?' I thought. My family. I stood there, frozen in fear for what seemed like forever, until Erik sensed something was wrong. "Y/n? Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked concerned. "M-M-my f-family" I stuttered. I looked at him dead in the eyes and tried to maintain my anger and fear. He then once again, carefully hugged me. "nobody will ever hurt you mon ange. I will make sure of that..."he whispered softly, stroking my h/c hair. I smiled, and let go of him. I nodded at him and kissed him on his cheek. I had to go on my tiptoes to do that, because he towered over me. "Imma take a shower, I feel gross" I acknowledged, as I skipped to the bathroom, leaving Erik alone in the kitchen. I giggled as I saw his confused face as I changed my expression so quickly. I quickly undressed, and stepped right into the shower. Let me just say, I have never seen so many soaps in one place in my life. I finally picked one out of the plethora, after I smelled each, and every one. I then began to just clean up, and of course, I couldn't help but sing. I knew Erik would like my singing.


I cleaned up the kitchen after the 'very healthy' breakfast I made for my angel. I was worried she might freak out and leave Paris because of her parents. I would not let that happen, so I vowed to keep her safe, in my lair until they leave. I finished putting the last dish back into the cupboard, and suddenly heard splashing. I quickly grabbed Y/n's dagger, and my lasso and got them ready. I was just about to shoot, but I realized it was just Madam Giry, my old friend. "Erik?," she called out. "Hello, Giry" I replied confused of her sudden appearance. "Erik! I have to talk to you, it's important! It's about Y/n" she confessed. I quickly helped her out of the lake, and sat her down at one of the many sofas. "Erik, Y/n is in danger. It's her family...they know she's in Paris, and she won't stop until they find her!" she pleaded. "I know, we saw them yesterday...she'll be okay" I explained. "Erik, they know she's with you...but they don't know where you are" Madam Giry added. My eyes grew wide with confusion, "How?" I questioned. Madam Giry sighed. "Erik, you won't like who" she said trying to hide from me. "Who?" I asked once again. No answer. "WHO?!" I demanded. "Christine Daae" she regretfully said. I never wanted to hear hr name again, and wanted nothing to do with her, and she told? Also, she thinks she's going to get away with it? Nope, not today. I stood up from the couch and paced around frustratingly. I then suddenly hear tiny footsteps coming from the bathroom. Y/n. "What's going on?" she asked concerned. "Nothing, really, we're just talking" I lied. "Erik.." she interrogated. I sighed. "Come sit" I called. She did so, and sat in front of me, so I'd have to look at her while I told her what was the situation. "Y/n, it's your family...they know we're together" I said hesitantly. She looked very sacred, so I sat next to her, and grabbed both of her hands. "Erik?" she asked. "Yes?" I replied. " Is there one teensy-weensy little chance you could do something for me that would be considered a crime?" she asked. "Uhm.. yes, I suppose. WHere are you going with this?" I asked confused. "Oh ya know, um... well, uh..." she looked down at her lap. "Y/n..." I asked once again. "Can you um- never mind, it's dumb..." she replied shaking her head. "nothing you say is 'dumb', what is it?" I was starting to get annoyed. Y/n sighed, and pushed her h/c hair back. "I was thinking, you would do a stunt kinda like Don Juan, but instead of actually killing people, just pretend to kill me, and make my family go away. Just have me as the Prima Donna, and someone else as the male role, in the middle of the play, switch out, 'kill' me, and bring me down to the lair, but have someone dressed up as you, so they chase the stunt double, instead of the real you" she finally explained. "Y/n, THAT's a WonDErfUl IdEa!" Madam Giry joyfully beamed at her. I agreed with Giry, and we soon began to make a plan.

I decided that I would use the Opera that was meant for Y/n, so it would save some time, but I didn't tell her it was about her, so I changed the names around, it was supposed to be a surprise. Just like Y/n explained, she would be the Prima Donna, and the male lead role would be a snobby kid named Joshua, and we would love that he would be chased around for his life for a bit. Madam Giry told most of the ballet girls to frame Josh, then say it was somebody else, when they were questioned. Most of the ballet girls were in on the act, except for a couple, which were no fun. For the last couple of days, Y/n just practised her singing, and her lines for the play. I helped her with some minor things, but she pretty much got all of it down, on her own.

I could tell she was getting really tired with her life, so I decided to do something really special for her, to express how I truly, deeply, felt about her. I decided to compose a special song for her, just for her, for nobody else to hear, unlike her opera. I couldn't think of any ideas, so I decided to sneakily as her about what she likes. "Y/nnnn.." I cooed at her. She glanced at me, and looked suspicious. "Yeh?" She answered. "I was just curious on what your favorite things are. You understand, I don't really know that much about the fun, you" I said innocently. Her expression changed from suspicious, to happy. "Nobody ever has asked me that... I would actually love to tell you!" She beamed. I payed all attention to y/n. "Ooooh let's see, I like the rainbows after it rains, I love stalking squirrels and chucking rocks at them if they pick at my food, I enjoy reading and singing, and do you know what else I love?" She questioned with a huge grin on her face. I blushed. I jumped to conclusions on what she was going to say. "Fooooood" she moaned. My face got so red, and I tried to hide it, but I failed miserably. Y/n saw me very uncomfortable, and giggled. She then ran up to me, and climbed onto my lap, in one swift movement. "I also love you, silly" she kissed me on my nose and headed off to the bedroom, without a warning. "Oh, y/n, how you make me crazy.." I gushed to myself, sighing. I had what I needed now for my song. The title was going to be named, ma douce. The name fit it perfectly. I then began to write each lyric, each note, and each rhythm, if it would be my last. When it was completed. I set the music into a box, and wrapped it. 'Best gift ever, Erik' I thought to myself. I was very pleased with myself, I then just headed straight to the kitchen, got some cake, and went to bed. It was the best night ever.

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now