You're mine

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I jolted up from my sleep as I realized where I was. There, I sat on the giant, bird bed, in the one and only Phantom of the Opera's lair. Chills shivered up my body when I remembered last night. I remembered each detail vividly. I ran my hands through my h/c hair to try and think of what I'm going to do. I decided that I was going to find out what happened last night for sure, and if it was all just a dream. I quietly slipped out of the bed and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I crept around each corner trying to find the music box that I bought last night for Erik before he... yeah. I was shocked to see that Erik was once again, not in the lair. "What if it was just a dream, Y/n?" I whispered to myself doubting my sanity. "I could've sworn I-" I tried saying as I saw the beautiful music box, sitting just where I left it last night. "T-that d-doesn't mean anything y-y/n" I tried calming myself because I was starting to believe everything was real last night. I began to hyperventilate as I paced around the lair. The memory of last night haunted my thoughts for the whole day. I made the decision to go upstairs to the opera house to see if my beloved friend, was I swiftly hit up to the opera house without any accidents, and I came up to see total chaos. Everybody was panicking and running around. People were flocking to something near the kitchen, so I decided to go see, a very bad mistake it was. When I got there what I saw was my old friend, Barbara, on the floor with a lasso around her neck, just as I saw last night. There also was a note on the table that was addressed to everyone. It said:

Beloved Opera House people,
I regret to inform you that the woman here, tried something very foolish, and tried to disobey my commands in my own very opera house. This, is what happens when you are disobedient. If any of you ignore my commands again, there will be another tragedy beyond your imagination. Hopefully, that will never happen.

Your loyal partner,

So many emotions rushed through me. Fear, anger, confusion, and sadness consumed me whole. I backed away from the crowd slowly, still processing what I just read. 'I need to escape' I thought to myself. 'He will never let me go.' I nodded to myself, and ran to my dorm. I packed my very few belongings, and took off. I left a letter explaining my reasoning. I couldn't just leave into thin air, that's just cruel. I was going to stay in Paris, and just buy an apartment with the money I saved over the time I was here. I needed to get away, I couldn't stay here, I needed to clear my mind. If Erik explains and I feel I am safe again, I will come back, but until then, he will never see me. He killed my friend. I don't think he understands how much that will haunt me.

Last night was a huge blur. Y/n saw me slaughter a fat girl, who was threatening to her. Before I choked her, she said if I didn't make the managers make her Prima Donna, (even though she can't sing) she would hurt my beloved angel. I was furious with her, she had the nerve to say anything like that to THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! When I refused to do what she told me, she tried to hit me, so I grabbed her wrists tightly, and pushed her to the ground. I heard footsteps coming towards us, so I quickly pulled out my lasso, to kill her finally. She tried to beg me to let her live, but she got on my last nerve, so I just ignored her and spat some cold-hearted words, and killed her. As I turned around, I see Y/n, her eyes filled with fear. As soon as I know it, I see her running towards the front entrance. I swiftly run after her yelling "Y/n! Y/n! Wait I can explain! Y/n!" As she got to the entrance, she tried to open up the door as she looked back at me, and fainted as I got very close to her. The people in the dormitories  began to wake up, so I picked up Y/n, and took her back down to the lair, on the giant swan bed. I then went back up to the opera house and wrote a letter to say if anybody disobeys my commands, that they will be killed aswell, and a tragedy would occur. After that, I couldn't go back to the lair and risk being seen by Y/n. Her hurt eyes haunted my mind for the rest of the night as I went out to to the store to by her ice cream  and sweets for her to stay with me. I can't handle the thought of her leaving without me trying to stop her, like I did with her.  'Of course, girls like food, so it won't hurt to try'  I thought to myself as I spent over 100 francs on cakes and ice cream. 

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now