What is going on?

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Something about that girl is different. Her bubbly and smart personality is something to look for in a girl. She fed me. I haven't eaten that much ever since Christine left. I haven't had a better sandwich than that ever to be completely honest. "Y/n... you're something special" I said to a picture I drew of her. Her perfect E/c eyes, her beautiful h/c hair, and that smile... that smile. It can brighten up the darkest room. The saddest soul will smile at the sound of her magical laughter. It would be a true crime not to draw a creature as beautiful as her. Inspiration struck me like lightning. It felt as if I ran to my organ. The notes poured out of my mind perfectly. When I finished, I held it up to the light to see the music as it should be displayed for the rest of it's days. It was my most beautiful piece of work. I want-wait- I need Y/n to sing it. I can imagine it now, her soft voice hitting each note perfectly. I was so excited yet scared. Today I couldn't even touch her. I feared that if I did she would shatter like glass, no it was all a dream, even though I carried her to her dorm, it seemed too fictional. Also, the fact that scared me the most was that she was becoming too suspicious. She knows I'm not an angel, especially not an angel of music. If she finds out, what will she do? The memories of Christine flooded back. They brought shivers down my spine. Just the thought of Christine made my soul angry. I no longer missed her. I have found a new angel. Nothing will change that.

I can't believe what happened last night. It felt so much like a dream. Also, I mean I have no proof it wasn't except the stomach ache from the footlong sandwich I had. Note to self: do not each a footlong sandwich at 3 in the morning. I got out of bed. I looked at the clock and it was 5:58 am. My eyes grew wide as saucers. I was 20 minutes late. I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran to my closet. There I saw a letter, another rose, and a beautiful black gown that had red roses that complimented the dress amazingly. I stood in awe of the masterpiece in dress form for what seemed like an eternity. I carefully opened the letter to read:

My dearest Y/n,
I would like to thank you for allowing me to teach an angel like yourself to sing. Your voice is the most beautiful noise in the world and I look forward to hearing it once more. When you come to see me, wear this dress I've made especially for you. Once again, meet me in the Prima Donna dressing room at 3 in the morning sharp. I will see you there mon ange.
Forever yours,
Angel of Music

At this point I was very confused. All he taught me about yesterday was how to breathe and how to stand. I actually never sang for him. It creeped me out very much that in the letter he wrote: "your voice is the most beautiful noise in the world I look forward to hearing it once more." I was sincerely going to pass out. I quickly pulled myself together, picked out one of my ragged dresses, put my h/c into a perfect messy bun, and ran into the kitchen. Nobody seemed to realize I was missing this morning, they all looked pretty terrified. I looked at Barbra who also looked very alarmed. "What's wrong Babs?" I asked Barbra. "I-It's the P-Phantom of the O-O-opera" she stuttered with her thick accent. Who was this phantom of the opera? What did he do? I was so confused, so I asked Barbra to cover for me so I can find out what was going on. I eavesdropped on all of the ballet rats, the lead singers including the Prima Donna, and even the managers. They all were speaking of this Opera ghost or whatever. I figured out that the Opera ghost said something about a cook being special and if any harm comes to her, there I'll be a punishment or something. 'Lucky girl' I thought to myself. By the time I got back from my secret mission, breakfast was already over. I explained where I went off to and why I wasn't back, and she weirdly was okay with everything I said. I told her to take a break from Lunch so she could rest from the hectic ness of breakfast. She once again agreed to everything I said, so I just let her go. "That was weird" I whispered to myself. I then went back into my dorm and took a nap. I mean, I only got like, 2 hours of sleep last night. I deserved it.
(Time skip)

I woke up to the sound of a loud orchestra. I shot up, looked at my clock and realized I had about 2 more hours until lunch. I decided to go out to the town to buy some clothes with my paycheck. I mean, I needed new clothes. I went to the cheapest boutique in the city where I bought 10 dresses and 2 pairs of black flats for a price of 50 francs. It was a good deal. I worked two whole weeks for that much money. It was worth every penny. For a dress that is five francs, you'd think it would be a gross gown. They all were actually really in good shape and very intact. Perfect for work! I quickly walked back to the opera house to see even more people panicking. This time it wasn't just the cooks. I walked through the opera house trying to find out who this opera ghost is. I walked up to the manager's office to ask what is going on. I walked up to the door to hear two people talking. I put my ear up to the door to listen, nobody was around, nobody would have to know. "He said she needs to be-" the first voice said. It was definitely a woman. I recognized that voice somewhere. I just couldn't put my finger on it. "Why the hell should we listen to a bloody ghost?! I cannot keep doing this. We will keep Emma as the Prima Donna" he second voice said. It was the manager. Who is this girl? Why would anyone want to replace Emma? All of these questions rushed through my head. I heard all I needed. I slowly walked away from the door so they wouldn't hear me.
'Who is she?'
'Who is this Opera Ghost?'
'Who else would be Prima Donna?'
These questions followed me until I fell asleep. Nobody was telling me anything around here. Everything happens when I'm gone. Tomorrow I will stay here in secret. I will find out what is going on over here. I need to find out.

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now