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I took Y/N back to her dorm since she passed out when she saw me. I was furious that she was sitting in my box, and I wanted to kill her where she stood, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was almost dinner and I knew she would need more time to rest, so I scared the manager into letting her sit this meal out. I carefully set her fragile body on her bed. I watched her every movement as she slept for what seemed like years but was only an hour. I left a note of her nightstand along with a rose tied with a black ribbon. Then, I swiftly exited her dorm, unsuspected by anything.
I went back into my lair and inspiration came to me to compose. The notes scurried out of me like a river. I poured my heart out into that piece of music. I forgot what it was like to compose after Christine left. I forgot how the music made me feel. I no longer felt sad and empty. It was a strange feeling for me. 'You can't love her already Daft Erik! You haven't even spoken to her yet!' I thought to myself. I sighed and put my new piece of music on one of my tables.
I left my organ and got into my bed, trying to sleep but I couldn't. All I could think about was her voice. I heard her sing when she was up in my box. Her quiet voice hit every note gently, perfectly. Perhaps better than the Prima Donna. I could be her teacher. I could be her angel. The thought of me being her teacher made me content, I knew what my goal was now.

I woke up in my dorm. I jolted up to see it is 2:48 am and nobody is awake. I started to wonder how I was back into my dorm until I saw a letter on my nightstand along with a rose. I opened the letter that said:

Dearest Y/N,
I put you back into your dorm after you fainted. Do not be frightened, I do not wish to ever harm you. Your duties for dinner have been suspended for today so do not worry. If you wake up in time, meet me at the Prima Donna dressing room at 3:00 am sharp. I heard your singing voice and I wish to teach you to become the best singer you can possibly be.

Forever yours,
Angel of Music

I was not sure if I wanted to go or not because I was pretty freaked out. I decided to go even though there is some major red flags, like a strange man claiming to be an angel of music and just the fact he knows almost all about me and I know nothing of him. Although, what do I have to lose?
'I have like 10 minutes to get ready...let's do this' I thought to myself. I quickly put on one of my best dresses which was gold with swirly designs in the skirt of the dress. I put my h/c hair into a messy bun and went on my way into the prima Donna dressing room.
I discovered that the opera house at night is very creepy but has a magical touch to it. It is so quiet and peaceful yet you feel as if someone can attack you at any moment. I stopped by the kitchen to grab a sandwich because I was starving from the incident that happened earlier today. I checked the clock once again and it was now 2:57 am. I ran to the Prima Donna dressing room as quietly as I could, as fast as I could while holding my foot long sandwich. With my skills, I got to the dressing room with 1 minute to spare. When the clock struck 3:00 a tall man jumped down from to the ceiling in front of me, making me flinch. He holds out his hand and I grab it gently as he leads me to underground tunnels.
After walking for some time, he takes me on a boat and we just sat there is silence as I kept eating my foot-long sandwich. After wondering why I was so quiet, he looks at me and stares at me in confusion. I look up at him and back at my sandwich and then back at him. I finally ask," do you want some?" Holding my sandwich towards him. He shrugs and takes a huge bite out of my delicious sandwich. He makes a pleased look on his face. I then ripped half of my sandwich and gave it to him. "Here ya go" I said smiling.
The man smiles and takes the sandwich and continues to paddle to his lair and eat his delicious snack.
We finally got to shore and finished our subs. After he finally finished, he starts to teach me about where you are supposed to breathe and how you need to stand. Weirdly, he didn't even touch me. He seemed like he was afraid to touch me for some reason. 'Do I look that bad?' I thought to myself. I assume I was making a strange expression so my "angel" started to look concerned. "Are you alright, mon ange?" He said. "What? Oh yeah I'm fine" I replied with my thumbs up "I'm chill." My angel nodded and continued to teach.
All of the teaching lasted about 3 hours, although is only seemed like a couple of minutes. "I am content with this lesson today. We shall resume tomorrow. You need the rest" my angel said still iffy about this whole "Angel" thing. "Angel" I said "are you like, suuuure you're an angel? I feel like that's not the ca-." "I am indeed an angel, your angel, for that matter" My Angel cut me off. I twirled a strand of my h/c hair and continued to create an argument to have a reason not to believe him. I sighed. I had nothing. I knew he wasn't an angel, but yet a strange part of me wanted to believe him. He then took me back to my dorm through the many tunnels and staircases. "Till tomorrow mon ange" my Angel said. I smiled at him and within a blink of an eye, he was gone. I shrugged and went to bed. I was exhausted. What a day.

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now