Best day ever

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Something this morning had the nerve to wake me up. Last night would've been a pretty nice night if I hadn't stubbed my toe on a table, then slipped in the shower, and then having to go to the bathroom five times last night for drinking all of that shower water when I slipped. I got only a couple hours of sleep last night, so I pretty much was dead for the rest of the day, until I go to sleep again. That something that woke me up, was a music box. The music box I got Erik. The music filled the room I was sleeping in, like smoke. I groaned as I sat up, and I glared at the box, trying to make it explode with my mind. Unfortunately, it didn't work, so I had no choice, but to get out of the very comfortable bed, and stop the music. As I walked to the box, a glimmering caught my eye through the curtains. Curiously, I opened up the curtains, and saw something shiny of the table. It was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen! I stood there in awe of the beautiful fragment of an angel's wing. I jumped when I heard something in the kitchen. The sound made me jump and snapped me out of the hypnosis of the ring. I shrugged and headed back to the bedroom to get ready for the day. I opened the closet door, to see a beautiful, plaid gown. When I took it out, I saw that a note has slipped from it. Out of curiosity, I read it. It said,

My Y/n,
Here is something I bought just for you. Wear it, and it will be an honor to see you in it.
Your eternally,
I smirked. "Yessss" I whispered. I quickly put it on, and put my hair up in a half up, half down, style, then I curled it. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. I looked FABULOUS! I licked my finger and touched my face with it. I then jokingly made a sizzling sound with my mouth and giggled. I next skipped off to the kitchen to make Erik and myself breakfast. The thought of the ring passed through my mind while I cooked. I thought of the ring and how the person who earned it better be deserving of it. I secretly hoped Erik would someday give it to me... not just as a gift of randomness. I suddenly felt something hug me from behind, and rest it's chin on my shoulder. "Good morning" I cooed. "Good morning, mon ange" Erik replied. His hot breath hit my ear. He smelled like roses and wax. It was an intoxicating smell. "I hope you like waffles" I stated plainly. "I like everything you make mon ange. You look ravishing, Y/n" Erik added. I blushed and kept cooking. Erik soon let go, and set the table, like he usually does. This was my heaven. I wished every moment would be like this, for eternity. "Done!" I exclaimed proudly. I admired my perfect waffles and put them on our plates. Erik and I ate and talked about nonsense. He then takes our plates and puts them in the sink. Erik looked at me with a gentle smile on his face. I blushed, and out of nowhere, he pulls out the biggest bouquet of roses, I have ever seen. "Wooooooah they're so pretty" I squealed in awe. "Well I'm glad you like them, because they're yours" Erik gushed. I got up on a flash, and as soon as he knew it, I was hugging him, with my legs around his waist. I kissed his face multiple times, but finally let go when I felt tired. I carefully took the roses and put them in a vase. I put the vase in the main room, so when we walk throughout the lair, you could see the majestic bush of roses, in all its beauty. For the rest of the day, I sat in my little, reading space and cuddles up with a book. As I finished the book, the day was coming to an end. As I put the book back into the shelf, I heard Erik play the most beautiful song ever heard. Everything he made was amazing, but this was...magical. It filled my soul with blissfulness, and love. I quietly snuck to the organ where Erik was playing at, and just watched. Weirdly, he sensed me and snapped his head in my direction. I giggled, and tried to walk away, but was stopped by Erik's calls. "Y/n" Erik called out. "Yes, hun" I replied innocently. "Come here please" he pleaded. I nodded, and walked over. As I got close to Erik, he softly grabbed my hands, and lead me away from the organ, and to the lake. His thumbs moved around on my hands, in little circles. He seemed to pay attention to my every detail, and every move. His blue eyes sank into my soul as he guided me through the lair. We finally stopped, and around me, I see huge vases of roses around us, and candles that were surrounding the ceiling, where we stood. I gasped at the view. Suddenly, Erik starts to get down on one knee. "Y/n, ever since i have laid my eyes on you, my life has been sufficiently everything I wished for my entire life. You are my everything Y/n. I  love you so much, I would go to the moon and back for you. Y/n as hard as I tried to not love anyone ever again, I couldn't resist falling deeply in love with you. Y/n I am so, desperately in love with you. Y/n make me yours for eternity, say you love me, and marry me?" Erik asked heartfelt. Erik pulled out the ring I saw from earlier and offered it to me. I blushed, and couldn't help but cry a little. I then squealed,"yes!" And crashed my lips onto his, passionately. One of his arms wrapped around my waist, and one was holding onto my head, and was tangled in my hair. My arms wrapped around his neck and ruffled his hair. We only stopped to take a few brief breaths, but we finally had to stop, we were tired. He gently held my hand in his, and slipped on the ring. "Oh hell yes" I whispered to myself. "I'm going to bed, my love, you should too, it's late" I mentioned. He then nodded and began to walk to the sofa. "Erik" I called out, getting his attention. I shook my head and signaled me to follow me into the bedroom. There, we cuddled on the big, comfortable swan bed, and eventually drifted off to sleep. I carefully rested my head on his chest and studied his breathing. This was perfect. Everything was heavenly. I knew now, I had everything I ever wanted, and I had my one and only true love with me  y my side, for eternity. I silently thanked god and drifted off to sleep along with my hubby, Erik.

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now