Job life

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Christine left a couple months ago and I feel the same ever since. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I am empty inside. 'How could anything love a foolish monster like me? I am so stupid' I thought to myself. I haven't composed anything ever since my angel and that Patron left my lair. She was my inspiration and he took that from me. I should've killed him. She wouldn't be here with me if it wasn't for that Roul. I sighed sadly and headed upstairs to the rehearsal of the new Opera, L'amateur de gaufre. This will be the first opera since the fire a couple months ago. There is a new owner who was crazy enough to buy the place and fix it up after the incident of Don Juan Triumphant.
I walked up to my usual seat, box five, and watched the rehearsal. The singers weren't bad, but the dancers, they were absolutely horrific! They all were off step and looked as if they were as uncoordinated as a newborn giraffe. I put my hand over my face which wasn't covered in my mask. The dancers were simply embarrassing. Ever since Christine left as a chorus girl, they weren't the same good-group of dancers as they were before. 'Stop thinking about Christine! She won't ever come back you imbecile!' I kept telling myself. Everything I see reminds me of my Angel. For hours I just kept watching the dancers until I couldn't take anymore of the second-hand embarrassment. I then just went on my way to roam around the Opera house.

I woke up to the sound of a loud, train-like horn. "I guess I fell asleep on the ride to Paris" I giggled. We got to Paris in about a day it felt like. The ferry stopped and dropped us off at Paris. It was beautiful! I had never seen anything so wonderful in my life. I actually haven't been anywhere really so this was a great change. The streets were lined with booths with many fruits and breads and dairy products. The air smelled clean and I never felt more at home. I suddenly remembered how I got here and about the night before. 'My family must be looking for me' I thought to myself. I then shrugged and went along the streets absorbing the beauty of the city. I went into a little bakery in the city, I ordered some breakfast, and went on with my day. I realized I was running out of money, due to my ticket and for food, so I decided I needed a job. Anxiety rushed through me as I remembered that I was in a foreign country and had no place to stay or no clue to do for a Job. My only Job I've had was cooking and there was no cooking jobs in sight.

As soon as I was about to call it quits and go back to my old, hellish life, a newspaper article caught my eye. I quickly grabbed the newspaper and read it out loud. "Opera Populaire in Paris, France in need of cooks?!" I screamed with Joy. God has answered my prayers! I mean it was worth a shot. So, I took a carriage to the Opera house to apply for the Job.

(Time skip)
I payed the man and walked up the stairs of the Opera House's entrance. The whole building was beautiful. Although, I felt like a princess walking up the magical staircase, I felt as if I was being watched. It was like something was hunting me like an animal and that I was going to become it's prey. I sighed, I shrugged the feeling off, and opened the great entrance. I walked up to the young woman at the counter. "Hello! How may I help you today?" The young lady asked. "I uh, I-I'm here for the cooking j-job" I stuttered. "Of course! Follow me!" The young lady made a hand motion to follow her so I did. She took me to an older-looking man with a black suit on. "Monsieur, she is here for the chef job" the young lady said. The man looked at me and smiled. "Of course! You just have to prove you can cook" the man explained.
The man led me to their kitchen. It was gigantic! There were at least 100 cabinets and the floors were a beautiful white marble. There were as many spices as you can imagine and the best part is, there was no brothers in there! The man explained that I had to make something that tasted good so that I can work there. He told me to be done in an hour, which was more than enough time for me. I got to work. I decided I was going to make my famous French Toast that makes my brothers want more. I whisked 6 eggs with a fork as best as I could, then I mixed 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of vanilla with the eggs. I then added 1/3 cup of milk and I beat the whole sweet substance together. I dipped the fresh bread into the sweet stuff carefully and put the bread onto a pan and fried it until it was a perfect shade of brown. I then put the bread on a plate and added syrup to the already delicious French toast to make it even more wonderful. Luckily, the man came just in time when I finished my delicious masterpiece. He began to eat the fresh French toast. I guess he enjoyed it because he ate every single piece of bread.
After that awkward situation of myself just watching him eat, he stood up and said, "you're hired" and left the room. I squealed with joy. The young lady from before showed me my dorm I would be staying in. It was a small dorm so I wouldn't have to share it which was awesome.
By the time I settled in, it was time for bed, so, I picked out one of my favorite nightgowns which was black, with light-pink fluff that outlined the gown. I stole it from my mother because she wouldn't buy me new clothes when I grew, actually, most of my clothes are my mothers when I think of it! Anyway, I put my H/L H/C hair into a messy bun, got into bed, and drifted off to sleep, with that weird vibe that I was being watched

-=Yo yo yo I updated like twice already! I'm on a write-y mood right now XD. Love yeh- DAisY=-

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