Friendly friend pal chummy chum

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I ran towards the kitchen to find one of my favorite foods on the stove. I quickly opened the pot to see the most perfect spaghetti ever. I grabbed a plate from one of the many desks and bulldozed a bunch of noodles onto my plate. I turned around to see my angel laughing with his eyes still puffy from crying. "You owe me" I said with spaghetti dangling from my mouth. "I haven't had thish muhch fewdh in teh longesht time" I said with my mouth full. I finished chewing and looked at my angel. "Hey Angel, since you aren't really an angel, what's yer real name?" I asked. "I don't have a name, my dear" he responded sadly. "I'm like, 90% sure you do, but you don't want to tell me" I argued. "Nobody has ever used my name in my life, why start now?" My angel said sadly. "So you do have a name, why not start now?" I asked. "Erik" my angel said. "What?" I asked not knowing what he meant. "My name, Erik, Erik Destler" He said. "Okay then, Erik" I said Joyfully. I could tell at this exact moment we would be together in our lives. I could feel it. I don't know how we are going to be in each other's lives, but I just know we're going to be intertwined.

Erik grabbed a plate of spaghetti and sat right next to me. We talked about whatever came to mind and about our lives. "Y/n..." Erik asked. "Yesh" I said again with my mouth full of the delicious spaghetti. "When I put you in a new dress, I saw a bunch of bruises. What happened?" Erik asked with concern in his eyes. I swallowed violently. I haven't had anyone that  concerned for me in my whole life... well not exactly, a kid in 3rd grade was just as nice, but those two are it. "I uh... I had an abusive family. When I would be late for breakfast and the other meals... they would-" I tried explaining but failing because of my own tears. "I-I'm sorry" I said wiping away my tears. I then smile and remember I'm away from them. "I get it" Erik said. "What?" I responded confused. "My mom wouldn't even look at me. She made me wear a mask" Erik said conforming me. "Why? I don't see anything wrong?" I said wondering how bad could it really be. Erik stayed silent. "If ya don't wanna talk about it, you don't have to, but I'm here for ya" I replied to his silence "I'm gonna take a nap."

The conversation from earlier stuck in my head for the rest of the day, even in my sleep. I don't know why any mother would make her child wear a mask. I liked to think that I could relate but really, he had it way worse than I did.

I felt something different about him. I couldn't stop think that we would always be together. It seemed right. Did he think this too? I 'No, it couldn't be LOvE, I just mEt HIm!' I told myself in my head. I kept repeating it over and over again in my head, until I finally drifted off to sleep.

I can't believe this is happening. She first hugged me, she wiped off my tears, and now she told me about her rough past? It is truly a miracle. Y/n is truly an Angel. My heart belongs to her, and only her. Even though we just met, I can sense it.
I walked into my bedroom where Y/n was sleeping. She looked so peaceful laying there. Her gorgeous h/c locks fall perfectly on her back and shoulders. Her long, black eyelashes lay there on her eyes like the ocean's tide. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She looked like a bacon wrapped turd compared to Y/n. It was about 8 am. I was exhausted from last night. We talked until at least 6 am. I couldn't invade her space, so I grabbed my cloak and slept on a sofa for the rest of the day.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I haven't had bacon since before she even came into the picture. I quickly cleaned myself up, and swiftly moved to the kitchen. I tried to sneak up to y/n but I seem to have failed. "I see you're awake, I made breakfast- er dinner" y/n said chucking. I looked to the clock to see that it was actually 9: 52 pm. Y/n and I slept all day after last night. She then put her h/l, majestic, h/ c hair into a high ponytail. She turned around to me confused about why she was doing this for me. "You looked tired, so I decided that when you eventually wake up, you will have something good to eat. You look too skinny for your body type" Y/n SAID with ease. "Why are you doing this? Don't you know who I am? What I am?" I asked her a little bit angry and afraid. "Yeah, I know who you are. I know what you've been through as well. Erik, I am your friend, and you are mine. We will be the best-est of friends that will ever be, if you like it or not. I can relate to what you did, and why. I care about you Erik. If you have a problem with that... I don't really care. Nothing is gonna change" Y/n said firmly. She then went back to her cooking. I smiled widely. 'I have a friend' I kept thinking to myself. I ran up to her from behind and hugged her. She chuckled and just kept working. She was everything and anything I would imagine an angel would be. She was my angel. She's my friend. What would I do without her?

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now