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After Y/n shot Christine, Raoul knocked her out by punching the back of her head, hard. Y/n was then sent to Jail, for shooting Christine, and was sentenced to 60 years in prison. As for Christine and Raoul, they kept their dirty secret. They knew Y/n and Erik were together, and Christine was very angry for Y/n, making her write a letter to the "hideous thing."

Y/n's parents left Paris and went back to their home in America, like nothing ever happened. They were too scared of Y/n now to bring her back, so they let their friends take care of her.

Y/n every day, thought about how she saw Erik gone, when she shot Christine in the shoulder. Who would take him? Why would they take him? These questions rushed through Y/n's head so much, it was beginning to be unhealthy. She suffered depression and would often starve herself. This only got worse, until she decided, one day she would escape this hellish life she was living. She would one day return to Erik, and that they will live the years together. But there are things that cannot be. But, she would never stop, until she was free. We know all too well this is true. And this will not be the end of Y/n.


The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now