Letter for the better

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I couldn't sleep at all last night. All I could think about was Erik and what he had been through. I mean, cooking wasn't the only thing I'm good at. When Erik was asleep, I went through his stuff to find out more about this "Christine" girl he despises so much. I found his man diary and opened it to the day of his famous opera, 'Don Juan Triumphant'. He wrote in great detail. Every second unlike the last. Tears welled up in my eyes while I read the awful things Christine and that Raoul
did to him. I also went back to his childhood which was a great mistake. I have never felt anything compared to how I felt reading this very depressing book. I knew everything about this strange man, and yet nothing. He needed me. I needed him. I could relate to why he did all of these things. I threw a boiling pan at my brother's face for heaven's sake!
Today I felt very angry. After breakfast last night, I decided he will suffer no more. This "Christine" will no longer haunt him. I will try and talk Christine and Raoul and make them apologize through a long ass letter.
People like them don't care about anyone but themselves, and it makes me super angry to think they would even THINK of being a jerk to a sweet, talented man who not only gave Christine a beautiful gift, but also gave her something to remind her of her father. It made me so sad that nobody cared about Erik's side of the story. They only want to hear the twisted, sick side of Christine's and Raoul's which is 20% true. Yes, Erik tried to kill Raoul. What Raoul was saying to him before he eve got the rope was words that would make a sea of the most emotionally stable people have a mental breakdown. And due to his already bad self-Image, the only way to make him stop, was to kill him.
I grabbed my cloak, and suited up for my mission. I grabbed one dagger I stole from my father before I escaped, and strapped it to my side. It was only if someone decided to try my sanity. I wrote a letter to Erik saying that aim okay and I will be back in a few hours. I quietly found my way out of the Phantom's lair carefully stepping over the traps, and finally, I was off to find the De Changy's.Q
(Time skip)

I lurked around the old files from the Opera House until I found the address of the De Changy manor. I took a horse from the stables and rode to the manor.
The manor was huge! It had beautiful rose bushes that lined the side of the house, some beautiful steps that let the people enter through the majestic front doors, and it was painted a beautiful white. I tied the rope to my horse to the fence, and quietly opened the gate. I slowly walked up the stairs and rang the door bell to the castle-like home. I checked my watch, and it was exactly 12:56 pm. They should be up by now, It took me a few hours to get here, so I left at a good time. I patiently waited for someone to open the door. It seemed like hours, although it was only a couple seconds. My heart dropped as the many locks at the door unturned, and finally the bangle wiggled to open. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, and fixed my posture. They would not listen to me if I looked unconfident. The massive door opened to see a beautiful lady. She was wearing a white dress, fit for a queen. She had the most beautiful, curly, brown hair I have ever laid my eyes upon, and she had a soft smile plastered on her pearl-like face. She look as if she just swam in the fountain of youth. "Hello there, how may I help you?" the lady said kindly. "I uh- am here to see uh- Christine and Raoul De Changy... if that's okay" I stuttered looked at my feet. She chuckled and let me in the mansion. She sat me down at a white couch, and gave me a cup of hot chocolate. 'Very risky move for this type of furniture' I thought to myself. "What do you need to talk to me about?" The lady asked. "OH YEAH!" I snapped out of my thoughts. "It's regarding a friend..." I said nervously. "You see, he hasn't been- um- himself really... after you kinda left" I whispered. Christine tensed up as I mentioned my "friend". "May I ask who this friend is?" Christine questioned with a slight fear. "E-E-Erik..." I replied quietly "he really isn't okay. He just wants to know you're okay and that um... you're s-s-sorry" I said fast, while cringing. Christine's eyes grew wide with anger and fear. She stood up and started to pace around the living room. "Madame, it's just so he feels better. I-I'm worried for him!" I exclaimed trying to persuade her. She glared at me. "Why should I! He almost made me KILL MY FIANCÉ!" She screamed at me. "But he also gave you a voice, even more beautiful than an angel's. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't even be seen by him, so he's the real reason you're even with him!" I pleaded. I then sighed and stood up. Christine was not going to do squat with that technique. I decided this called for more drastic measures. I looked at her plain in the face and said," Ya know, I thought you wouldn't be the monster you once were. I believe people change, but you, you have proven me so very wrong. Good day!" I then proceeded to walk out through the door until she yelled, "wait!" I turned around with the same expression on my face as before. Christine sighed and agreed to do write the note. "YAY!" I joyfully hollered, immediately changing my cold expression. I could tell she already regretted her decision. I told her exactly what to write to him and to what to not include in her letter. When she was finished, I gave her a sincere 'thank you' and showed great gratitude. She gave me a soft smile and I was off to deliver the letter I made Christine write. Although I still needed something from Raoul, I believed this was good enough for now. "Erik is going to be so happy!" I giggled with excitement as I trotted down to the lair, unsuspected by all of the workers. This is the best gift ever!

The Angel in Hell {Phantom of the opera x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now