First day of my new life!

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"WHO IS SHE?!" I scream to myself as I slid a bunch of music off a desk in anger. 'That girl... I saw her yesterday. I believe she is new. I will find out who she is why she is here.' I thought to myself. I watched here come to my opera house from a carriage and I lost track of what she was saying in the kitchen. All I know is that she lives here now. I sighed and went up to the opera house. I waited for the girl in the shadows of the kitchen for what seemed like forever until she showed up. I decided I needed to know more about her. Something about her intrigued me. I needed to find out what that was.

I woke up at 5:30 am to start the day. "Today will be the first day of my new life!" I told myself joyfully. I let my H/C hair fall from my messy bun and cascade down my back and shoulders. I put on a blue dress and an apron that the opera house provided, to start the day.
I ran down the stairs to where the other chefs were. "Hello, I am Barbra, you're co-chef" A chef said. She had the greenest eyes I've ever seen, grayish-black hair that was put up into a very messy ponytail. She was way bigger than me in size, but I could tell, she had a heart of gold. "H-Hi I'm Y-Y/N" I stuttered. Barbara showed me where all of the spices and pans are along with all of the other things I would need to know for my position. I then began to prepare the rush of breakfast.
Suddenly, the weird vibe from yesterday returned, and I swear I heard someone say my name. I flinched and looked around to see where the noise came from. When I looked, all of the other chefs were busy working on breakfast, so it couldn't have been them. I shrugged and went back to work. I thought to myself,' Daft Y/n, it's probably your imagination.' Although I kept repeating that sentence, the feeling didn't quite go away.

For breakfast, we made my famous French Toast because I guess the man I talked to yesterday happened to be the manager, and told EVERYONE about his wonderful breakfast, and he wanted everyone else to try it as well. I taught all the chefs how to make my famous dish and they caught on pretty quickly.

As soon as I know it, it is 11:43 and breakfast is finished, it was now my break until 1:30 pm. I decided to go out to the city and find my way around, maybe even make friends. I first went to a bookstore to find something to help me escape from reality. I was browsing an isle then the strange vibe once again came to me. This time I got freaked out, so I bolted out of there. I speed-walked to a bright park where nobody can hide in the shadows. The creepy feeling disappeared and I smirked proudly. I outsmarted a feeling. I sighed, pleased with myself.

I decided to follow the girl to where she worked. 'She is now a cook' I assumed. I listened into her conversations with the other chefs. I heard that the girl's name was Y/N. "Y/N" I said in the shadows. I saw her look around, confused. She genuinely looked sort of frightened. I smirked. I watched her move gracefully through the kitchen. Her h/c flowing to side to side as she cooked her French toast. When it was her break, I followed her outside to a bookstore. I find it very appealing that she reads. Christine didn't read, so it was new to me that someone so beautiful reads. I stayed in the shadows of the bookstore and tried to get as close as I could to her. I wanted to see this beautiful creature up close. As soon as I was about 3 feet far from her, she could sense me. I quickly scurried far away from her, but she still seemed like it wasn't enough. She stormed out of that store and headed straight for the park. She's a smart girl. Knowing I can't be hidden in broad daylight, I hurried back to my lair.
At my lair, I felt different than I did yesterday. I can't exactly put my finger on it though. This girl, Y/n, she's different. I need to find out why.

I sat at the park bench for what seemed like forever. That weird feeling disappeared when I went into the daylight. I thought about this for the longest time until it was time to get back to work for lunch.

(Time skip)

I hurried back into the kitchen and put my apron back on. Lunch was less hectic as breakfast but still as overwhelming. I was in charge of the mashed potatoes and gravy which was one of my favorite foods back home when I didn't cook. Lunch went fast and I was back to my break time. 'I probably shouldn't go out after what happened last break' I thought to myself. I decided to just stay in and watch rehearsals. I didn't want to be seen by any other stalker-thing so I hid in one of the boxes. All of the boxes had people in them, and there was only one box left, box five. I sat down in the seat and watched the rest of the rehearsal. I sang along quietly when the prima Donna sang the songs. I loved to sing all the time at home. It was the only thing that wasn't taken from me. Music was my outlet. Even though my family hated my singing, I did it anyway. I got beaten for it at times but it was worth it. I sat contently for what seemed like hours. Annoyingly, you guessed it, that creepy feeling rushed over me. This time it was overwhelming, and I started to panic. I began hyperventilating. I tried to escape the box, but I was stopped by a 6 foot shadow of a man in a porcelain, white mask. As soon as I back up, everything goes black.

-=hey sorry if this chapter is a little weird... I tried 😂 love yeh/ DAisY=-

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