Chapter 12: lies

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Gerard's POV:

I walk angrily up to Cho's office. Come to find out that Cho has been back for days and didn't show her face around me.

She knew what was coming.

Then I remember that I can't act angry around her, or else she will know that the pills have not been working on me.

Maybe I should kill her right here, right now. After all, she did lie to me about everything. About Toxic and Val, about the deal.

About my child.

Tears prick my eyes when I thought of that. I was not there for the majority of the pregnancy, and if I didn't make this cursed deal, our child would have still been alive.

I take a deep breath and push that thought aside.

I keep walking the same long, white, boring halls until I reach her office.

I am about the knock then I hear a good voice behind me,"She isn't here. She left again for more meetings."

I look to see a grim face, bald head, and the black eyes if a killer. Korse.

"Well," I say,"when will she be back?"

He narrows his eyes towards me,"Why? Trying to get your little girlfriend out?" He says with venom.

I take a step towards him,"I'm going to have a discussion with her about the deal. You know damn well that this was not how things were supposed to be."

My eyes widened at my sudden outburst of anger. I was supposed to be calm at all times.

Korse smirks at me,"well, well, well."
He walks around me, not taking his eyes off my face.

"Looks like we have a little actor in this facility." He finishes.

I'm not afraid. Korse knows that I have found out a secret that his life depends on.

"I knew the pills weren't strong enough. Or are you not taking them at all?" He questions.

"It just has a slow effect." I smile at him.

"Wait until Chk finds out. Looks like we will be force feeding you. Upping the dose." He says in a malicious grin.

"I don't think you want to do that Korse. Remember, I know stuff." I smirk.

His eyes widen at the sudden realization, he pulls me close and harshly whispers,"you wouldn't dare say anything. You won't say anything unless you want to die."

"Can't kill me. She won't allow it. It was the deal. Remember?"

"The deal has already been broken." He says with gritted teeth.

"I'll make a deal. If you keep your mouth shut about the pills, I'll keep mine shut about your secret. You say something, I will find away for the whole facility to know." I smirk.

He states at me, his cold eyes staring into my soul.

I tilt my head,"I don't think you would want to die. Or even worse, have your lover die. You know how Cho feels about relationships. Especially when they involve two men." I whisper.

He brings his hand out and shakes mine,"deal. Better keep your mouth shut, little killjoy."

He trudges off as I smirk in victory.

* * *

"Did you ever talk to her?" Kobra asked me as I walked past him.

I turn away,"No. I haven't had the chance yet."

The Tale Of The Zones: Bondaged (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora