Chapter 9: Mateophobia

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(Sheila picture above!)

Pierce's POV


"Who are you afraid of?" I asked.



Me? Me?! Why was she afraid of me? No no no! I just found her!

Sorrow consumed me. It dragged me down and pulled me to the bottom of my conscience as I lost all hope of having a happy life with my mate.

I had loved her and cared for her, so why was she afraid of me?!

My sadness quickly turned into anger and I tried to fight my wolf telling me not to snap.

If you burst into rage then she's going to be even more afraid of you!

I don't care. How could this happen to us?

Maybe she had a nightmare or something and it was about you. She just met you after all!


"Pierce?" Diana sniffed and tried to get my attention, "are you...okay?"

"Yes angel I'm fine. And there's no reason for you to be scared of me!"

"Wait," she turned to me all serious, "you love me?"

Pure shock. No! I just brought you into my house and let you sleep with me and started calling you angel because I'm a nice person!

"Of course I do! Why would I not?!"

"Well, no one wants a mutt like me."

"Why would you even say that Diana? I just met you two days ago and I love you! I want you everyday of my life and more. I would never change that for anything or anyone. Heck! I've been searching for you my whole life! You are my other half. Of course I want you."

Diana began to cry, "D-do you r-really mean that?"

"Every word." I smiled.

I didn't have time to wipe her tears from her eyes before she smashed her lips onto mine. I almost immediately responded. We kissed until we were out of breath and exhausted.

"Ready for bed?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied.


The next morning...

Oh my gosh Pierce and I kissed! I can't believe it! It felt so amazing and I could still imagine the fireworks all over my body.

I looked over to see Pierce sleeping soundly and holding me tight...wait....holding me tight?! Since when did that little alpha think he could hold me without my permission?

I laughed out loud, knowing it was just a joke. Pulling the body pillow into Pierce's arms to make him let go of me wasn't such a bad idea. I strolled into the bathroom and shut and locked the door before getting my pajamas off and taking a shower.

The shower was -of course- super super nice and before I knew it I had been in there for at least half an hour. Was Pierce awake yet?

Just then someone violently knocked on the door and I laughed again. Well! I guess he is then!

I finished my shower and opened the door only to be engulfed by a large warm body.

"You scared me!" He sighed into my hair.

"Sorry, I had to shower." I giggle.

"You could have told me." He worried.

"Pierce, its fine! I'm okay!"

"Alright...but if you wake up and decide to take a shower, tell me first."

"Yes sir!" I saluted him and shooed him out...or at least tried to.

"Wait, don't you need clothes?" He asked mischievously.

"Oh- yeah I guess I do."

"Here, I'll have some of the she-wolves bring you their spare clothes." He kissed my forehead, told me to lock the door and said he'd be right back.

I couldn't even lock all the doors before three girls entered the room with makeup and clothes of all sorts.

"Hi! I'm Sheila! This is Francesca and this is Daniella!" The prettiest girl introduced herself first. Of course, they were all beautiful but Sheila was the prettiest. She looked Colombian with her tan skin and her chocolatey brown hair. Wow. I felt intimidated in front of her beauty. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce into my soul as she talked to me.

"Pierce told us to help you get ready!" She looked excited.

"Of course!" I said shyly.

"Awesome! Now, I have some clothes for you to look through..."

Two hours later

When we were done I didn't even recognize myself. I had a springy pastel blue dress on with white converse. They had put some foundation, concealer, and mascara on me and straightened my curly hair, putting it in one French braid going down the middle of my head.

"Okay, we need to show you to Pierce now!" Sheila squealed.

"Alright alright!" I gave in.

We giggled as we walked down the stairs to the kitchen where Pierce was and I tried to shush the chattering girls behind me.

"Oh no, I hear giggles." Pierce laughed.

I suddenly felt nervous, what if he didn't like the outfit? No. He'll love it.

After what seemed like forever I stepped down the last stair.

Pierce's eyes widened and I nervously laughed.

"D-do you like it?"

"Are you kidding me?!" He yelled, "I love it! I love you!"

He swept me off my feet and I yelped as he continued to place kisses everywhere on my face. I was so lucky to have such a great mate.

"We need to introduce you to the pack tonight! They'll love you!" He said excitedly.

I could feel the other girls waiting for me to say yes...

I sighed and smiled, "Why not?"

Pierce hugged me tight and the girls whispered their yes's.

"I'll let my parents know."


Hola! Thanks for reading chapter 9 and I hope you liked it! Comment your suggestions and approval and don't forget to leave a vote. Also, if you like this book follow me so you can get frequent updates on when I'm going to update! Hope you have a great day and as always...

Love you N8ER'S,


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