Chapter 5: Unbearable

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Author's Note: Please read the note at the end....and give your feedback! On with the chapter!

Diana's POV

Sitting in a cell is very boring. I had been waiting in my cell for something to happen for about 2 hours now. Without a watch or clock the time ticked by slower. The thing that surprised me is when I felt a presence nearby. It was somehow calming and my wolf begged me to go to it.

I was stunned when my wolf took control and started ripping at the cell door.

The cell they had put me in was one of their torture cells with the metal bars made of wolfsbane. Of course they hurt my wolf as she tried to break them away but she didn't care.

Why was she going so crazy?

It was then that I picked up a scent that had to be the most amazing thing to enter my body. Most of it was indescribable but I could pick up mainly a masculine, woodsy smell.

My wolf howled, but was furious when she got no answer.

Right then I knew one thing... MATE!

How could I not know?! My mate was out there! He is the reason my wolf is alive. He is the reason my heart beats. He's my other half.

My wolf howled again and still received no answer. She reached her breaking point when she heard the guards running down the stairs. It took one slam of her body to break the bars and a leap out of the broken, tattered window before she was off.


Gretchen's POV (Diana's wolf)

It took at least half an hour to lose the idiots from Rick's pack. I know... finally escaped! Whoop dee doo. Problem is, now I'm technically a rogue. For those of you who don't know, rogues are lone wolves who run free and basically don't belong to a pack.

As I ran, I was chasing the amazing scent. But hope was draining. His scent was wearing off with every step I took and I began to growl lowly.

Well this is just great! I go to find our mate because things are looking up and he is gone!

Might as well introduce myself. I'm Gretchen, formally known as the snotty side of Diana. Now, I'm a white wolf, yeah I know cliche but what can I say? We inherited that from mom. I love Diana very much and look out for her and whatever, but as soon as I picked up our mate, I couldn't help but to take action. I mean, I gotta know if he's hot!!! Anyway... that's me.

A howl came from about twenty feet away and branches began to snap. May I remind you that I am bred from an alpha so I'm pretty strong.

"Well well well, look what the cat drug in." The wolf came out in only a pair of shorts. (when we change back from our wolf forms to humans we don't have any clothes so....yeah you guessed it we're naked.)

"Shift back kid." Another wolf ordered.

I shook my head and growled. You could feel power radiating off of them.

"She's a feisty one Derrik."

Derrik looked at me with curiosity.

"If you don't shift," Derrik said, "then you deal with me."

He shifted into his wolf quickly and let me add that his wolf was huge.

'He's got to at least be a gamma Gretchen!' Diana remarked.

'I know, I've got this don't worry.'

Then I sat down like a dog, reluctant to listen to them.

'Yeah, great move. They'll totally listen!' Diana said bitterly.

Derrik gave me a look like 'Seriously?' and leapt toward me. I easily sidestepped him and snarled. This frustrated him and he growled so loud I think the whole forest heard it.

I started to laugh internally when he caught me off guard and leapt at me. He took a bite at the area around my ribcage.

I screamed. That's all I could do. Pain erupted through my body and I immediately began crying. The view of the forest I was looking up at began to blur and I felt Diana quickly take charge to subside the pain for me. I tried to keep it from her but I was weak from the pain. I'm sorry Diana.


Diana's POV

The moment I took control over Gretchen I felt the worst pain I had felt in my life. Derrik looked at me in horror realizing I was a girl. Then his eyes glassed over. He was mind linking someone. After he got done, he looked at me with a surprised face.

"I apologize, I must take you with me to our pack house."

No no no no. This can't be happening!

I still lay on the ground in pain. Nothing has ever hurt like this.

He looked at me again, realizing that I couldn't move.

"Give me your shirt." He said to one of the men.

He walked towards me slowly and handed the large t-shirt to me. I put it on and wiped away my tears.

"Sir, I am s-s-so sor-ry," I stuttered, now scared, "I cannot walk."

"It's fine. I apologize for my rude behavior. I am going to have to take you to my alpha though." He picked me up bridal style which shocked me and I flinched away.

What shocked me even more was how nice he was being. Anyone knows that if you pass another packs territory they are anything but nice. Then why was this Derrik guy suddenly so kind?

I was bleeding like crazy from my wound and I was suddenly starting to have breathing problems. His bite must've punctured my lungs. It won't be long until I'm dead.

"Sir, I need a doctor." I told Derrik.

"I will get you to one." He promised without looking down at me.

It didn't take long to get to their pack's hospital. When we got there, there was a group of doctors and nurses waiting for me to help me. Why were they doing this for me?

"What happened?" One of the nurses asked Derrik as he set me on a stretcher.

"I thought she was a dangerous rogue and I bit into her ribcage." He said, ashamed. But why ashamed? What's going on??

"Thank you." She said in a monotone voice and they pushed me away on the stretcher. I started to breathe heavily and cough up blood. My vision was getting blurry.

We went through hallways and hallways with white ceilings and walls. Most of the time, the doctors yelled medical terms at one another. When we finally got to a room, they hooked me up to a bunch of wires and gave me medicine to knock me out. The last thing I remember was a loud banging at the door and a large man running in.


Dun dun dunnnn! Another cliff hanger I know! But I bet you guys didn't expect that to happen in this chapter! Anywayyy, this is the message I wanted to give out to you guys. So I want a cool name for my readers (you guys) and I have no idea what to do. Since it is what I'd be calling you I thought 'why not let them decide?' So comment or message me and let me know what you think the name should be! The person who decides the best name will get the next chapter dedicated to them. The more people that comment, the faster the next chapter comes. And trust me it's gonna be JUICY! ;)

Love y'all!!! <3,


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