Chapter 32: Sometimes A Hug Says It All

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Diana's POV

I shut the door to the bathroom and lift up my shirt to take a look and find again where the blood is coming from. As I look down my stomach, I realize that the blood is coming from my shorts. 

I pull them down and reveal my pink lacy underwear soaked in blood. 

I couldn't figure out what had happened, maybe internal bleeding? But what else could be in that area of my........

I looked in the mirror and stared at my shocked reflection. Before I could cry, I needed to make sure I knew what this was. 


'Baby! Where are you?! Please, I need to find you.'

'I need a doctor.'

'Yes, I know, love. Tell me where you are and we can go.'

'I'm in the guest bathroom near the kitchen.'

'I'm on my way. Please stay there, I love you.'


I had never liked the doctor when I was still with my parents. Not because I didn't like the shots or the awful medicine they forced you to take, but because I hated the pity the doctors gave you when they came in the room and saw you sick, or with a dangling arm. And when one of the pack doctors came in and saw my shirt soaked with blood, I wanted to scream at him. 

"Luna, Alpha, may I assess the situation?" I annoyingly wave my hand over my wound like it's a prize and he uncomfortably walks over and checks my wound, sensing my anger.

"Does it hurt?" Pierce whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"No. I'm still in adrenaline mode." I say, my face completely expressionless.

The doctor looks at me with the biggest look of pity and I bite my lip.

"Luna, I'm so sorry." I immediately know what he's talking about, but Pierce is totally clueless.

I get up and walk to a window, open it, and scream. I scream and cry and sob for a good ten minutes and no one moves in the room.

I turn around and see my face in the mirror. my eyes are red and puffy, my neck is pulsing the vein in my forehead is bulging.

Pierce is still clueless and looks desperate to find out what's going on. My voice is scratchy when I finally speak...

"He stole my childhood, he stole my parents......" I feel more tears rolling down my cheeks, "and he stole my baby."

My mate's face goes sheet white and his eyes start to turn black.


"I was pregnant, Pierce. I was pregnant and he......." My knees buckle and I break into another sobbing fit, "my beautiful baby, my beautiful....."

Pierce catches me and places me on the hospital bed, I don't know what to do anymore. It's like my life's stopped and I have nothing to say anymore. Nothing to do. I start to imagine the baby I was to have, growing up, walking for the first time, holding it in my arms...

Pierce stands there and something happens that I would have never expected, his black eyes turn normal and he starts to cry. 

The doctor just stands there awkwardly and I take his hand and look into his eyes.

"Get me cleaned up immediately, I need to go home."

He nods his head solemnly and gets some tools to clean my wounds. I get up and walk to Pierce and just hug him. 

Sometimes a hug says it all.

Hey readers! Just so you all know, (because I knew you would comment on this, HAHA I'm a psychic) in some books werewolf babies grow like 4x faster than human babies, so her unborn child would have already developed some. That's how I see it.

ANYWHO, I really hope all of you liked this chapter and just a kind fair warning, the end to this book is coming up so get your surprised faces ready because we boutta have a PLOT TWIST!!! I'm sorry for a short chapter, I love you guys so much!


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