Chapter 31: Terribly Wrong

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Diana's POV

The cell chambers were just as cold and putrid as I had remembered them, maybe even worse. 

I knew Rick had to be coming for me soon so I had to do this quickly. I walked all the way to the end of the cell hallway and made my announcement that I had been planning for quite some time. 

"Listen up everyone, I have a plan and we are going to get all of you out of here today. None of you deserve to be enslaved by Rick and I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to see that. So what we are going to do is this, I am taking you back to my pack, the Silver Moon pack and I plan to figure out which pack each and every one of you were taken from and return you there. But all of you will stay at the Silver Moon pack house for at least two days so you may rest up. If any of you defy my orders, you will be punished accordingly. Let's try to make this orderly so we can get everyone out safely."

I place my women outside the cells incase any of the wolves rebel and try to attack. After that, they are escorted to a bus in which we will take them back to the pack grounds because most of these people aren't healthy enough to shift into their wolves.

I unlock the gates for the first few people before I came to a dark cell that looked to be empty. This sets off my paranoia until I hear a faint whisper calling for help. I squint my eyes to see a beautiful woman sitting in the back of the cell holding what looks like a very small baby. The baby cries and that triggers something in me. I call the girls over to help the woman up and I try to calm her.

"Hey, we are going to get you out of here, okay? We are going to make sure you and your baby are healthy." 

She lets out a choked sob and looks at me in the eyes.

"I'm beyond help darling, please take my baby. Keep her safe." She looks into my eyes with her sunken in, weak ones and I almost cry.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that miss, we have some of the finest doctors around, just please let us help you. Please hold on.....for your baby."

The woman looked down and nodded but the doubt in her expression was as clear as day.

I ask to take her baby so we can try to feed it something, and she is taken to one of our warriors to get a fast ride back to the pack house.

At this moment, I realize that I need to let Pierce into my mind link and warn him about the people coming.


I can practically hear his sigh of relief before he responds.

'I never knew it was possible to be so angry and in love with someone.'

'I know, I'm sorry, we will talk later. But right now, you have to listen to me. I am bringing back the enslaved people from Rick's jail. These people are dying Pierce, you need to just hear me out.'

I hear him pondering and finally groan in frustration, 'Okay, fine. When do I have to be expecting arrivals?'

'Wait. What?'

'I said when do I have to be ready? I know this is what you want to do, and I trust you. So when do I need to expect people coming to my pack doctor?'

I tried to contain my excitement as I finished the conversation, 'The first one is coming right now. She needs desperate help.'

'Copy that.'

I felt kind of upset that he didn't say 'I love you' but I accepted it since he was probably still very angry with me. 


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