Chapter Four: 'The Talk' & More People

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Chapter Four: 'The Talk' & More People

This chapter contains some triggering self-harm content so i will put a warning where it begins and ends. Please enjoy anyways though

Adeline's P.O.V.
We walked into the house and could tell my brothers' were angry since none of them said anything.
"Goodnight I'm tired," I said and was about to run upstairs when one of them grabbed my arm.
"Addy we need to talk to you," Beckett said and walked to the living area. We all walked in and I had to sit on the couch across from all of them.
"Well you see Addy when there is a boy and a girl that get-," Nolan was saying and I knew where this was going.
"Are you trying to give me the sex talk?" I asked.
"As Nolan was saying when there is a boy and a girl they can get... comfortable. Once they get comfortable they can start losing some of their clothes and end up in the same room as each other. Sometimes there is no safety and the girl can end up pregnant with a kid to take care of and there will be no dad," Beckett said.
"Just tell me what you mean by this," I said.
"We're saying don't get too close to that boy," Jack said.
"What?! Why?" I asked.
"He just screams trouble," Beckett said.

"So...?" I asked.
"Well remember last time?" Jack asked.
"Ok fine," I said, "But both of them? Can i just be careful?"
"Do you have any other friends?" Beckett asked. I shook my head.
"Fine be careful and cautious then," Oli said.
"Ok, can one of you walk me to my room? I asked.
"Why?" Jack asked back.
"Because last night i swear someone outside so i'm kinda scared," I said.
"Sure my room's next to your's anyways," Jack said and walked with me. I had him go first to check as I waited outside the room.
"Is it ok?" I whispered.
"Yeah it's all ok," Jack said and stood by the balcony door.
"Whatcha lookin at?" I asked.
"You come over here," Jack said. I looked out to see Clark talking to them.
"Oh," I said. Jack closed my curtains and kissed the top of my head and started walking out the door.
"Come down to eat in about..." Jack said and looked down at his wrist, "30 minutes."
"Ok i'll just take a quick shower," I said and grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom.

After taking a shower I put on some shorts a tank top and a sweater over that. I then put my hair in a quick messy bun and went downstairs to see pizza. Ugh why did they have to get pizza they know it's my weak food.
"We got your favourite," Beckett said.
"Hey it's my favourite also," Oli said.
"Haha thanks," I said and put one slice on my plate.
"So what are those boys' names?" Beckett asked.
"Mason and Clark?" I asked.
"Yeah them, well a little birdy told me they are in a gang," Beckett said wanting to know if I already knew. I just looked over to Jack and glared at him knowing he told them.
"Really," I asked/said.
"Addy did you already know this?" Nolan asked me.
"A little, but I just assumed," I said.
"How did you know?" I asked. All of them just looked between each other but decided to just shrug their shoulders. They're hiding something!
"So... Addy you're still a virgin right?" Oli asked. I choked on my pizza shocked by that question, because 1. that's personal 2. that's weird for you older brother to know.
"Yeah, why?" I said.
"We just wanted to make sure noting happened between you and that boy today," Oli said.
"Nothing did I was tired so I rested my head on him as we watched to movie," I said honestly. We finished eating silently and then I washed the dishes as they went to do whatever. As I was leaving the kitchen i saw a paper on the island and grabbed it and read over it quickly. I was so shocked and has so many questions. Mostly about why they didn't tell me. I just numbly walked up the stairs to my room then locked the door and slid down with the paper in my hand.
***Trigger Warning***

I decided to walk to my bath room and grabbed my favourite razor that I always hid from my brothers'. I sat down against the cabinet and lightly placed the razor on my arm. I quickly pushed down and dragged it across my arm. I gasped lightly at the shock that i kinda forgot about and the pain stinging my arm. I then did that all down my arm and onto my wrist and on the other arm also.
They told me to not cut and keep secrets from them, but they can keep secrets from me. I then heard my brothers' enter my room talking among each other.
"Addy where are you?" I heard Nolan ask.
"Sorry i'm in the bathroom, you know girl things," I said trying to play it off cool and clean my fresh bloodied arm at the same time.
"If you're talking about your period, we all know that you haven't had it for 11 months," Beckett said. He just had to remember that I lost my period because of my anorexia.
"Addy open the door," Nolan said.
"Hold on a few seconds," I said and quickly bandaged up my arms. I then opened the door after 30 seconds and smiled at them.
"Ok Addy?" Beckett asked.
"Yeah i'm completely fine," I said and faked the fakest smile in the world. They just nodded not believing me for a millisecond.

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