Chapter Nine: No Relationships & Truth or Dare

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Chapter Nine: No Relationships & Truth or Dare

Adeline P.O.V.

I woke up to see Mason next to me only in his boxer briefs, I looked down to see I was wearing a giant sweater and my underwear. Oh god I hope I didn't sleep with him, or more like had sex with because well obviously.
"Mason," I said and poked his stomach.
"Mhmm I got it," Mason mumbled and rolled onto him stomach, also on top of me, preventing me from breathing.
"Mason," I said and pushed him. His eyes opened a little and when he saw me he rolled over.
"Good morning Addy," He said and sat up.
"What happened last night?" I demanded quickly.
"Nothing much, we made out I didn't want to have sex with you while you were drunk, I brought you here and we slept," Mason said and stood up.
"WE MADE OUT!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah don't you remember, it was nice," Mason said nodding.
"I mean, I remember kissing someone, but you and making out," I said trying to remember.
"It's not that big of a deal we didn't go that far into it," Mason said and shrugged.
"Ok now, why am I in these clothes?" I asked.
"I was just trying to be nice but it obviously didn't work," Mason said.
"Ugh I have the worst headache ever," I said and flopped onto the bed again.
"Well that's why I didn't drink whatever that was. Just have some breakfast and I'll give you some painkillers and take you home. I've gotta take Clark also," Mason said.
"Ok," I said and followed him to the kitchen. Mason went around looking from some pain killers as James and Carter were already in the kitchen eating waffles.
"Here we go some aspirin and water," Mason said and set two aspirin's in front of me with a cup of water. I smiled at him then quickly downed the pills.
"Clark's already up he's just hiding because he has a massive hangover, beer pong," James said.
"Where is he, you have to tell me I'm his best friend," Mason said with a giant grin across his face, he was kinda cute. No Adeline no thinking he's cute, and definitely no relationships.
"You better stop staring at him or people will get idea's about you both, and what happened last night," Carter said.
"What?" I asked.
"Everyone knows he came home with you, but it's not confirmed what actually happened. Did you do the deed?" Carter said leaning forward on the counter.
"What no, according to Mason we just slept," I said.


"Aw man shut the fuck up my head is killing me," Clark said walking into the kitchen.
"I aint the one who played beer pong after drinkin a whole bottle of tequila," Mason said.
"Just shut up you fucker," Clark said sitting down and taking aspirin.
"Motherfucker," James said and hit Clark's back.
"Just give me the waffles and I won't beat the shit outta you," Clark said.
"Just get yo ass up we're goin now," Mason said.
"Before you go, Mace you best puttin some clothes on yo chica," Some random dude said coming into the kitchen.
"We stayin a while Mace?" Clark asked.
"Fine," He said. Mason then lifted me up and placed me on the kitchen island/ counter thing.
"Damn Mace you picked a good one, can you share?" The same random dude said.
"Back off, fucking bastard," Mason grumbled.
"I'm Xavier Sanchez, and you are m'lady?" Xavier said and grabbed my hand.
"Adeline," I said quietly.
"Don't be acting formal when you be checkin her out few seconds ago in front of Mace," James said laughing.
"Never bothered me," Xavier said and stood by Carter.
"Clark we're going," Mason said and helped me off the counter. He's such a gentleman, sometimes. No goddammit, I shouldn't like him.
"Ok lemme grab my jacket," Clark said and ran to get it. Mason was walking behind me to the door where Clark was by.
"Can we rid your bike?" I asked excitedly.
"Another time when we don't have another person and you aren't so... flashy," Mason said looking me up and down.
"Oh, ok," I said slightly disappointed. Mason got into the drivers seat and Clark let me be shotgun, so he was sitting in the back.
"Ugh my head still hurts a lot," He said hitting his head on the head rest.
"Well you know that you didn't have to drink so much and your head wouldn't hurt as much," Mason said.
"How about you shut your stupid pie hole," Clark said. After 20-ish minutes we arrived by our houses. Mason pulled into Clark's driveway and parked the car.
"I'll walk you over," Mason said. Right as I was about to knock the door flew open and I was pulled into a hug.
"Oh thank god you're ok Adeline," Jack said still squeezing me to death.
"Why are you only in an over sized sweater?" Beckett asked.
"Well... Um...I...We...," I was trying to think but nothing came to mind.
"We got to my house after the party and I didn't want her sleeping in her clothes from earlier so I had her change into one of my sweaters," Mason said.
"Why didn't you bring her here?" Nolan asked the almighty question.
"Thought it was best, neither her or Clark was in the best state," He said.
"Whatever, come on Addy," Jack said and pulled me all the way into the house.
"Really?" I asked them all once inside.
"Eh," They all replied and walked into the living area. I walked past the kitchen to see all the dishes overflowing in the sink. Great now I have to wash them since my idiot brothers' can't wash dishes. I rolled up my sleeves put on the gloves and turned on the water. I spent a half hour washing the dishes when my brothers came into the kitchen and saw my arms.
"Again?" Beckett asked in pain.
"Sorry," I said meekly.
"Why?" Nolan asked.
"Because you lied to me," I said.
"What about the bruises?" Oli asked.
"What bruises?" i asked in response.
"You know," Oli said.
"It happened at school," I said.
"Who?" Jack asked.
"Some girls they came up to me asking about Mason and i obviously didn't give the answer they wanted so they beat me up," I said.
"And why did you cut again?" Beckett asked.

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