Chapter Seventeen: North Carolina & Memories

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Chapter Seventeen: North Carolina & Memories

Adeline's P.O.V

The first part of this chapter is a dream Adeline is having so yeah. Also i was gonna do this in Mason's pov but i messed up and decided to do it in Addy's.

I walked out of my house to go to school to be hit with a bitter wind.

"Addy are you sure you want to walk, I can drive you," Jack said from his car.

"I'm sure it won't be too bad," I said and started walking to school. I was 3 blocks from my school when someone pulled me into an alleyway.

"Hello," The person said. They were in all black and had a mask covering their whole face except their eyes, hazel. They also had a deep, raspy like voice, and was very strong.

"Umm...hi," I mumbled.

"The boss would love to see you," The person said as they looked at my whole body.

"What do you want?" I asked reaching into my boot for my knife. Jack said to use if I was in danger and I was 99% sure I was in danger unless this was some sick prank.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," They said. I stopped and gulped.

"Not do what?" I asked.

"Grabbing your knife. Just come with me and you won't be hurt," He said.

"I'll go if you tell me what's going on," I said.

"Fine, I'm Nathan and I'm part of a small gang who does some stuff around town. Our boss, William told us to find you, Adeline Baines," Mason said.

"NO!" I exclaimed rather loudly

"Don't leave it alone you're coming," Mason hissed and dragged me into a car and there were two other guys who held me down.


I walked into a house and it was ginormous. The floor was a shinning white tile, there was a shining chandelier hanging and a grand staircase.

"Stop looking around and follow me and stay outside till I tell you to come in," Nathan said. We walked around some rooms and stopped in front of a room and the Nathan opened it.

"Hi Nathan," Someone said.

"Hey Will, I found her," Nathan said.

"Bring her in," Will said. Nathan grabbed my wrist and pushed me into the room.

"This is her, Adeline Baines," Nathan said.

"What," I said. Nathan and Will quickly whipped there heads towards me.

"Nathan leave let me talk to her," Will said and Nathan left. "You can sit, and ask any questions I can tell you have some."

"Why am I here?" I asked as I sat.

"Well I've been watching you for a while and now you will stay here with me," Will said.

"What the fuck that's creepy," I mumbled.

"Well I will show you to your room," Will said and stood up.

"What no, I'm going home, I'm not going to stay here," I said backing up to the door only for my luck it opened and Nathan and someone else grabbed my arms.

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