Chapter Twenty-Five: Alliances & Preparation

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Alliances & Preparation

Mason p.o.v.

As I was standing in shock with Clark looking at me with pity, my phone started ringing.

"What," I snap into the phone. I had a right though she said she wouldn't leave and she literally did.

"Boss we just got a report saying that Cheaters and Red Devils are forming an alliance and are planning to attack us. The council has been informed also but is stilling allowing this to continue," Someone said.

"I'll call you later with a plan just continue researching their weapons and location plans," I said.

"Mason what happened?" Clark asked.

"We're gonna be attacked," I said then called Liam.

"Hello?" Liam said.

"Have you been informed of the attack?" I asked.

"Yeah I just got a call from one of my men, should be fight them?" Liam asked.

"That's what they want. We have to trick them," I said.

"How?" Liam asked interested.

"Do you know any locations?" I asked.

"Jason's warehouse, they have the help from the new gang, umm the leaders name is Will or something but he's in your district," Liam said.

"Ok tomorrow get your whole gang over to my place we will have everyone that I have under my district and anyone who will help. But Liam we have to treat this like our fight we don't want to make the first move so it may take a lot of waiting or not but we can't attack first," I said.

"Ok, we'll be there. Weapons or not?" Liam asked as I was about to hang up.

"No we'll send those to the warehouse," I said then hung up.

"Mason what's going on?" Clark asked seriously.

"We're going to war," I said.

"I'll call the school saying we can't make it today," Clark said then I went to my office. I grabbed my intercom thing and turned it on.

"Hello everyone. Anyone in school isn't going to school and in 1 hour meet me in my office," I spoke and went to my room.

"Mason," I heard from behind me. I turned to see Addy.

"What?" I snapped.

"I didn't leave, I just went to ask James somethings. Mason that's a a big deal why pretend nothing happened," Addy said.

"Well there are more important issues right now so just wait about that," I said.

"What happened?" Addy asked. I can't hate her.

"We're going to war, I'll find a place for you but you just have to wait. It's all a waiting game now," I said and hugged her.

"So what do you have planned now?" Addy asked.

"We're forming alliances," I said.

"I thought that wasn't allowed," Addy said.

"The council is allowing it so this is going to be big, but I need to make some calls you can do whatever you want," I said and walked to my office, I then heard Addy following me.

I looked around my office for the paper with all the gangs numbers on it when Addy put it on the table. I then started calling everyone who I knew would help us. Around an hour later and I was only half way done and I could see that Addy was getting bored.

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