Chapter 9

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Ellies POV

I flick off Josies light and return to the coach with Hannah. I flop down on the new coach and turn on the TV. "Hey babe, u almost done?" I ask daxton. 'Yeah um wanna get wes?" He says holding im making the mac and cheese. "ehhhhhh Hannah, u can go get him" I ask being lazy. "Sure" she says and going and grabbing Wesley.

"Hey buddy" she says, while hes squirming around. He manages to get from her reach and run over and hug my knees. "sorry Hannah, hes really shy around new people and it was be-" I start to say, noticing Wesley was liseing. "ill tell u later" I whisper to Hannah.

"Who wants to go to the park?" daxton said with a picnic basket in one hand and a blanket in the other. "ME!!" Wes yells putting his little hand up, excited. "Ok well I guess Josie took a long enough nap, we can go to the park" I say and stand up. I walk to Josies nursery that was now complete. (the pic on the side, but with pink instead on purple)

I go into the nursery and see her peacedully sleeping. "Hey han? can u grab some nappies, nappie wipes, and a blanket and put them in her diaper bag for me" I ask while picking Josie up. "OK I did that, are we ready?" Hannah asks excited to go to the park. "Your such a kids" I smirk and put Josie on the changing table. I change her and pick her up. "Alright, the car seats in the car" I say and look around for something else she might need.

I don't find anything and we go back out to the living room to see Wesley in his coat and sneakers and same with daxton. "Well I guess we are ready" I say and grab the bag. I look over and see Wesley put his arms up to Hannah, for her to pick him up. " aw wes, u like aunt Hannah?" I say. He nods and blushes. We all walk down to the car and load up. "Ok so the park is about 10 minutes away.

*10 minutes later*

'WE ARE HITHER!!" Daxton shouts turning into a parking spot. 'YAY" Wesley shouts from the back. We all pile out of the car and Daxton, Josie and Wesley run down to the park (Daxton is holding Josie lol) Me and Hannah walk around for a bit

Ellie: Wait, weren't we all suppost  to pick 2 kids?

Hannah: Yeah but we couldn't choose fast enough so we got to pick one

Ellie: Oh I see, How is Auden? u guys are dating now huh?

Hannah: Yes we are, at first he was a douchebag but he actually is sweet and so good with Lucas

Ellie: Aw how sweet

I stop walking and look over at Daxton and Wesley swinging on the swings. Then I look over to see a little old lady reading her newspaper while her cat plays with Josie. "aw look Hannah"I say and point out Josie. Then I remember......................

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