Chapter 16

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Weslie's POV

"Aunt Hannah..." I say, "Where is Mummy going and what happened to daddy?" I was worried about my Daddy, I wanted him to be ok.  "It's ok honey," Aunt Hanah said "Daddy just got a little sick and mummu just went with him so that he isn't lonely.  But you know they love you and your sister very very much right?" she asks "Yes, I know.  They picked us, they picked to love us." I say with a big smile, I love my mummy and daddy very very much.  "Can I go color now?" I ask Aunt Hannah, "Yes you may." she says.  I go into my room and i get out all my crayons and paper and start drawing ym family.  My mummy, daddy, me, and baby sister Josie. 

*Ring Ring*

Hannah's POV

"Hello," I answer knowing it was Ellie due to the caller ID.  "Hey how is my baby boy doing?" she asks, I know she is really worried about him.  They have a connection like none I've ever seen.  "He is doing good," I say "I think he's drawing a picture for Dax, I think it's all of you guys, like a family potrait if I can see it from here," standing in the hall and trying to see what a toddler is drawing is pretty hard.  But he's a prety good drawer for his age.  "Oh that's good.  I don't want him worrying." she replies with a sigh of releif and I can tell she is grining.  "Hey how's Daxton going anyway?" I ask just rememboring why I am watching the kids.  "Yeah he's doing pretty well, hey I'll keep you updated, got to go.  Love you bye!" she then hangs up.  I hope Daxton will be ok.  His baby girl needs him, both Josie and Ellie.

Weslie's POV

I'm finishing drawing Josie's hair when my tummy starts to hurt.  I go out to Aunt Hannah and tell her my tummy hurts. SHe has me lie down on the couch with a hot thingy on my tummy, I think she called it a hot pad.  Then she placed next to me a trash can, a bottle of water, and saltine crackers.  I say "Aunty Hannha," "Yes sweatie," she says, "I want mummy" I reply.  "She then replies with "Well she with Daddy right now," "But I want my mummy!" I start crying because 1.I want my mummy and tummy really hurts.  I then heat her call my mummy.

Ellie's POV

I get a call from Hannah, "Hello?" I answer, wondering what's wrong,

"Hey Wesley really wants you home becuase he's sick.  I think he might have the flu or something, or maybe a cold.  I can go there if you want and we can switch and I can have Auden go there sometimes so that he can have some guy time if you would like?" Hanah replies. 

"No that's ok.  He needs his rest anyway and he said he won't sleep with me here becuase 'I'm just to beutiful to look at.'  I think the drugs that they gave hime got to his mind," I say.

  "I'll leave in about 3-5 minutes.  I should be home in like 15 minutes." I say.

  "Ok take your time," she says as I hear Wesley crying in the background for me.  I think he knows that his "aunt" is speaking to me.  I tell Dax the situation and he tells me to go and to be careful and to tell Wesley that he loves him and to tell Josie he'll be home soon. 

I kiss him softly as I start to leave but he grabs my hand and he tells me to 'come here'.  I go over and he pulls me into a deep kiss. 

I love the feeling of his soft gentle lips pressing firm against mine.  It makes me want more but he is in the hospital so I think I will wait till he is all better.  That wouldn't be good if I hurt him.  I laugh to myself from this and he just gives me a look. 

I dismiss it and tell him goodnight and I love you and how I will see him tomorrow morning.  I get home and I go over to Wesley who is sitting there eating saltines and drinking his bottle.  "Thank you Hannah, I owe you one," I say "No problem." she says with a smile

.  So for the next two hours me and Wesley, and sometimes Josie when she is feeding, watch Dispicable Me 2.  It ia actually a really funny movie.

  Then when everyone is asleep and I get into bed after slipping on a pair of shorts and a tank top.  As I just about go to sleep I hear my phone vibrate.    *bizzz* *bizz*     I answer it wondering who is calling me at this time.  I look over at the clock as I grabbing my phone and it says 2:13 AM, and all I'm thinking to myself is that this call better be pretty damn important.

  "Hello," I answer tiredly and with a yawn.  "I am sorry to wake you but is your um boyfriend or whatever he is, is he Daxton?" the anooyed and tired toned lady asks.  "Yes why, is there a problem?" I ask very worried, why else would they be calling me and qaurter after 2 in the morning?

  "Well actually, there is a problem.  We had to run tests ust as protocall and well we have found a complication," she says.  I'm wondering what it could be, what could it be that is so serious that she had to call me and this late at  ight, or this earky in the morning?  "Well she your boyfriend has Pancreatic cancer and we fear that it may have cuased his seizure.

  We are worried thatb if we cannot cure it, which is a very slight possibility, then we fear that he may have a seixure that will eventually kill him sooner then we would hope.".  I cannot beleive what I am hearing right now.  How could this be. 

The lady didn't sound very cofident with her 'slight  possibility' which means there is not only a possibility but a uge possibility.  That night I cried myself back to sleep, not telling a single soul.  I will call his parents in the morning when I arrive at the ospital with the kids.  Because you never know the last time he is going to see them.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------smudge3 helped me with this cahpter! I hope you guys liked it :) And yes I know that pancreatic cancer can not cause seizures but hey, this isn't true so whatever.  Enjoy:) Next chapter will be wrtiten soon so don't worry.

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