Chapter 5 - The Time to Ripe

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- Moscow – Anonymous hideout

Elric Cage, Captain of Adam's annihilator's squad knocked thrice and entered the room. He stood near the door, took a deep breath and walked towards the table. Adam was sitting on the other side of the table, drinking black velvet. He looked up and gestured everyone else besides Elric to leave the room.

'Mark Daren's death case has been solved. Damien Wynn killed him with a group of others. We've killed some of his men' Elric said.

'Some?' Adam put his glass down. 'Have you gone soft that you can't kill a bunch of kids?'

'No' Elric put a file down. 'We've killed everyone we found. But some of them are missing.'


'We don't know where they disappeared. Damien himself, Evan, Jack, Amanda, Ron, Julie and others; all are listed in this file. They disappeared without a trace. I've confronted with their families but nothing' he opened the file and flipped through the pages. 'There is one thing that's strange. Evan's family is missing too. And Evan is related to-'

'Enough' Adam interrupted. 'Don't tell me all the petty things and solve it by yourself for once.'

'Yes sir.'

'What about the facility?'

'It's been destroyed. There are no traces left.'



BREAKING NEWS - Isla de las Munecas has been completely engulfed in flames and is spreading faster. The rescue team is on its way to help the tourists stuck. The reports also stated that someone saw someone suspicious lurking around from where the fire started.

We just got a message that the rescue teams has arrived but unable to approach the location any closer. The fire has engulfed the entire land by now. We will be reporting to you live about the fire and-

'I can't take this anymore. Adam is going too far now. I have to stop him' one of the spokesperson said.

'Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you talking about?' the other spokesperson argued.

'Can't you see all this? He could have destroyed the facility when the place was empty. Involving civilians in this-'

'Shut up old man' a voice approached. 'Did you join us without knowing a single thing? Or are you going soft on Sir. Adam?!' he stood in front of the spokesperson.

'Elric' he got startled. 'I didn't mean that. But you can see it too.'

'He's angry you know. You better shut your mouth or leave.'

'This is not good Elric. I'm one of the member funding Adam and his project Utopia. You can't tell me what to do-'

Elric shot him in the head. 'Does anyone else wants to spout "I'm one of the member funding Adam" Huh?' he looked at everyone. Everyone shook their head. 'Good. Cause' Sir. Adam can initiate Project Utopia on his own. He doesn't need you old geezers' or your money.'

No one spoke back. They funded on this project to become rich, to survive, to dominate and most of all to grasp the power that Adam was holding. Now, they can't go back. They made a deal and if the deal is broken, then it will mean death. Project Utopia was something that held true power to control the world and its secret was to be well protected. Even if it meant death.

Adam killed those who broke the deal and he knows everyone's movements. It's impossible to break those chains that they had tied with Adam.

Everyone left the room in silence.

'Clean the trash' Elric ordered the men standing guard outside.


- Anonymous location

'Found it. So this is the location where they are. I need to hurry up and tell them everything. Mark Daren is dead and he didn't know anything but the data he had, sums up everything that is going on. The disaster that occurred 10 years ago, it's going to happen again. The darkness will engulf the world again. Someone named Adam is behind all this.'

He looked at the co-ordinates listed on his computer screen. He could see his reflection in the screen. 'Pitiful. I've come into hiding after all huh! I'll leave it to others to find them. I hope whatever this Adam guy is planning on doing gets stopped. TQ-Unknown should not be brought back to this world.'

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