Chapter 9 - Initiate Ragnarok

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22 December 2012

- Anonymous locations

'Hey mommy, look up' a kid said in excitement, pointing towards the sky. 'It's so beautiful' he smiled.

'It is' his mother replied, astonished. 'But, what in the world is that?'

'Mommy?!' he pulled her hand. 'You're bleeding.'

'What?!' She wiped her nose and looked at the blood. 'Hmm, it's just a little bit. Don't worry about it' she looked at him and smiled.

The sky was covered which seemed like Turquoise colored clouds and was shining beautifully. The clouds covered the sky and no one had any answers as to what it was. They didn't see any harm caused by this phenomenon nor were they able to discover the cause of it. The clouds slowly but covered the entire earth in few hours.

For some it was a natural phenomenon that they didn't need to fear off. For someone it was God's magic cast upon everyone and for someone it was the birth of a disaster. But no one could explain what it really was.

Every nation was trying to figure out the cause of it. Everyone was told to stay inside and not leave the house until further notice. People were affected around the globe. There were many cases where blood started dripping down their nose but it stopped in few seconds. Secondly, everyone had headaches, fever which also occurred for a while and with proper medication, they healed.


It's been 24 hours since the phenomenon and no one had any results yet. And then something happened. The clouds began to thicken and increase at a larger scale. They started forming on ground level, almost like a fog but thicker. They started devouring everything inside it. At first nothing happened however in a few hours unusual reports started rushing in.

Reports stated that similar clouds started forming on ground level. Further investigation reported that few hours ago the clouds above started raining sprinkle all over the world and that resulted in those clouds forming on ground level.

For people out there that phenomenon was beautiful, the turquoise color sparkling above and on ground made them wonder various things as they looked at it. On the other hand it made those who were working on finding the cause of it, tremble in terror that they themselves didn't know the answer to.

And then... Horrifying reports started coming in like wild fire.


A level 3 emergency was declared.

Reports started coming in that the entire globe was suffering from some unknown virus caused by the turquoise clouds covering the sky and land. Emergency measures had been stated and everyone was to stay inside and prevent themselves from getting in contact with the unknown clouds. Everyone had to barricade their house, close all the openings and wear masks.

New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell reported that hundreds of people had been admitted after coming in contact with the clouds. And many more were coming in. Internal Damage, Bleeding from nose and eyes, throwing up blood was reported after examining the patients.

There were many who were infected and there were others who were unharmed. Some only suffered with having minor headaches. The government quickly formed 3 quarantine zones. All for different purposes.

Those unaffected were quickly moved to the 1st quarantine zone for protection. Minor injuries were treated and soon they were moved inside the 2nd quarantine zone for further treatment. Those affected greatly were moved inside the 3rd and the most equipped quarantine zone. This zone was protected by the military. Infected were brought in with sever fever, internal injuries and violent behavior. The doctors tried to treat them but majority died of severe blood loss.

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