Chapter 13

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   "Honestly Alice I don't need to look that fancy for it". I stated as Alice looked through her closet of clothes. I should have been spending more time with Jasper then rooming around with Alice in her closet.
   "Yes you do!" She replied not taking her eyes off her clothes.
   "I'll probably just get blood on them anyways". I explained. She rolled her eyes and handed me a pair of black ballet flats.
   "You'll be careful".
I sighed. "Alice newborns are not careful. They make a mess".
   "Honestly Avery you'll do great. Bella was able to keep her dress clean and so will you". She stated. She brushed her hands over a plum colored dressed and took it off the bar.
   "Perfect!" She beamed with joy slipping the dress under my arms. I groaned at the fabric.
   "Alice this is too thin. It's going to rip within seconds of me running in it". She rolled her eyes once again at me.
  "Enough complaining you'll be okay". I sighed. "Besides as a newborn you won't care what you'll be wearing you'll be preoccupied with how thirsty you'll be". She told me.
  "So have you and Jasper decided on a date?"
   "A week from today". I told her. She smiled.
   "I can't wait to welcome you into the family officially". She jumped with joy. I smiled. I was finally going to spend all of my new life with Jasper and finally fit in. This was what I wanted and I wasn't going to change my mind.
   "Me too". Emmett agreed coming up behind me and pulling me into his grasp. Alice grinned and rolled her eyes at her brother.
  "Don't hug her to death Emmett". Jasper said entering Alice's room. I smiled up at him and tried to break free of Emmett. But to my dismay no such luck. Dammit Emmett was way too strong. Even if I could kind of absorb his strength. Well then I'll just have to get him back when I'm a newborn then. I'll make him suffer. Edward chuckled at my thought of me trying to over power Emmett when I was a newborn.
    "Cmon Jazz. She's my sister and I'm just showing her some love". Emmett winked at him. I groaned.
   "Please put me down Emmett". I begged him. He rolled his golden eyes and sat me down next to Jasper. "Thank you". I said as Jasper placed his hand on my waist.
    "If you don't mind I'm kidnapping Avery for the rest of the day". Jasper replied as he raced us outside and into his car. As he pulled out of the driver I looked over at him.
   "Where are we going?" I asked him.
   "Charlie wants to see you". He replied. I didn't need to ask anymore questions after that.
   It had been almost a mouth since I had seen my dad and I knew that he was getting anxious to see me. And I was getting anxious to see him. Carlisle had told me to spend as much time with him as I could, before I was changed. For we both knew that a few months after I was changed I would only want his blood and that thought scared me. I was really close with both my parents and the thought of only wanting them for their blood was something I did not want to think about.
    Bella had managed to gain control of her thirst when Charlie visited, but nothing was set in stone with me and if I would be able to control it or not.

Sorry for not updating as fast as I usually do. Finals are coming up and I've been busy with that. More chapters will be coming in a few weeks. I promise.

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