It has been almost a month since Jasper left Forks and Avery is an upset state. However when Avery learns he is coming home she couldn't be happier. Upon his arrival they finally have the wedding that they have been waiting for. And the honeymoon th...
Light. Opening my eyes I saw light all around me. And the rough textures of the books with all the individual threads weaving together to form the pages. And the small beams of light reflecting off the mirrors in my room. I saw all the fine woven in details that I couldn't see before. Glancing down at my hands I noticed that they were glittering like two large diamonds. I stepped out further into the light and took in all of its warmth as my body exploded like freshly polished diamonds. I smiled then looked down at what I was wearing. I rolled my eyes. Of course only Alice would want me to look this good when I awoke from being turned into a vampire. However she did choose a very pretty dress with the perfect shade of purple to match my hair. "You look so beautiful Avery". That familiar voice snapped me out of my trance and rushed towards it almost knocking myself into the wall. Jasper reached for my hand and helped me back up. I laughed and moved closer to his body. "Easy your still getting used to your new found speed". Jasper replied grabbing me in his arms. "I guess I am". I smiled up at him and brought my lips to his. "You'll get used to it in time". "I love you so much". I whispered wrapping my arms around his back. "And I love you". He replied as I pulled him close to me and took in all of him without even realizing that I was hurting him. "Avery your a lot stronger then me-" I intensely let go of him and smiled. "I'm sorry". I got out just as an over powering heat began to rise in my throat. I reached for my throat and began to claw at it. Jasper nodded his head and we rushed into the forest. We flew through he air with ease and I could see everything so clear. From the sound of a hummingbird slurping up nectar from a flower a few feet away to a spider wrapping up a fly as it's next meal. It was all so clear to hear and I could sense that I was one with it all. I felt so calm running in the forest that I grew up in with my husband by my side. Jasper stopped a few feet in front of me and caught me in his arms to stop me dead in me tracks. "That was incredible!" I smiled with excitement as Jasper brushed my now bright orange hair out of my face. He kissed my forehead and turned me around as I heard the snapping of broken off tree limbs. "Do you hear that? Listen.." Jasper whispered to me as I closed my eyes. "I it a deer?" I questioned him. Jasper laid his hand on my waist and I could feel the blood of the deer pulsing through it. I could hear the pumping of its heart and all I wanted to do was sink my teeth into it and drink its warm blood. I glanced up at Jasper and he nodded. I licked my lips and rushed right after the deer as he jumped into my arms. I tackled him to the hard dirt ground ripping parts of my dress and I jabbed my teeth into his mouth and began to suck in the hot red liquid.
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Avery's awakening dress
Man I had a tough time writing this part. I wanted it to be just perfect so I glanced at that part of Bella's hunt in BB to help me out. I think this turned out okay, but I'm not 100 percent sure. Anyway I hope you guys liked it and more is coming soon.