Chapter 28

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That night both Edward and Emmett began to search the woods for Felix with a few of the wolves to help them out. They all agreed that more people helping out would have better results then just a one or two. Edward had suggested that Jasper come along with them, but I instantly regretted that idea. I needed Jasper here to keep me calm and collected. And he didn't want to leave my side either so it was then settled.
   "Your sure there going to be okay?" I questioned Esme. She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.
   "Relax Avery. They will locate him". She promised me. Esme was so calm and having her try to reassure me was just what I needed.
   "Your right. I just need to bre- scratch that I can't breath anymore". Both me and Esme let out a giggle. Mine being more of a nervous giggle.
   "Thank you Esme". I thanked her. She smiled and stood up as Jasper entered the kitchen.
   "Your welcome Avery". Esme said leaving the room. Jasper smiled at her then walked over me sitting at the table.
   "Heard anything from Edward?" Jasper shook his head.
   "They will report back if they find anything or Jacob will". He stated.
    "Yeah. Do you remember the song that we danced to in the forest? When you took me out for a breather during all Bella's pregnancy stuff?" Jasper smiled and helped me up.
    "How could I forget". He replied. I smiled and leaned into his body.
    "I told you that I couldn't dance and you told me that I could. No matter what happened you always believed in me and in what I could do. You've always been there for me and I haven't thanked you for all of that Jasper". I stated making him smile. He took my hand in his and laid his other one on my hip. Then I laid my head on his chest and we began to swing back and forth. Our bodies moving as one.
     "No need to thank me Avery. Id do anything for my beautiful wife". He said then kissed the top of my head.
    "And you can dance Avery". Jasper added. I rolled my eyes.
    "Maybe". I laughed. "When this is all over I think we should visit that island again".
Jasper grinned. "I agree".
    "We deserve it after all that's happened to us. Man I can't believe all the things that has happened to me since moving here". I remember it all. I only came back home to see my sister get married and now here I am still here, married and now a vampire.
   "You have overcome a lot". Jasper said. I nodded my head then looked up at him.
    "I'm just glad that one of those things was meeting and falling in love with you. I love you Jasper Cullen".
    "And I love you Avery Cullen". Jasper replied as I wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed my lips against his.

A couple people have been asking me for a book 4 for Avery and Jasper and I've been thinking about it, but I have a lot of other fandom stories I want to write so if I did do a book 4 it would come after those other stories. Will see what happens.

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