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Chapter Four


So either Makoto's paranoia is making him hearing things, or this guy really is on drugs. Maybe even a bit of both, considering how unlucky this day is turning out to be.

But how did the guy know his name?

"Okay!" Makoto laughs with a mixture of fear and sarcasm. "I got it! You're crazy! Yup, that's it. Well, have a nice life," He half-heartedly waves, sneaking around the man and starting to make a break for the metro station. The man doesn't call out for him, just stands there calmly, watching him with a curious glint in his eyes, which turned black once again.

No one seems to care - or even notice - that a six foot teenage male is booking it down the street, scrambling for the escalator on the street corner that leads to the train station. He bolts down the escalator and fumbles for his metro pass, swiping it and heading down another flight of stairs to reach the platform. Thankfully, the train is approaching just as he reaches the edge.

Not bothering to look behind him until he is safely on the train station, Makoto a seat in the row between some strangers. He exhales a breath he doesn't realize he's holding, relaxing when the doors shut and the train takes off.

And then suddenly, it stops when he feels a hand clamp over his wrist.

Makoto freezes in his spot when he sees, well - everyone else is frozen in their spots upon contact.

"So am I still on drugs?" A voice says from next to him.

Makoto practically jumps three feet in the air. A not-so-masculine squeal of fear escapes his mouth as he sees the same stylish man sitting in the seat next to him. One leg is politely crossed over the other, and one hand rests on top of his - Makoto finds it impossible to pull that hand away, like it's gone numb. He regards Makoto with a sense of ease, yet there is a twinge of impatience noticeable in the rigidity of his stature.

"W-what did you do?" Makoto looks at him angrily, his mouth permanently frozen in the 'o' shape from shock. Everyone else on the train is frozen in time; reminding Makoto of wax figures. And not in the good way. The kind that are so life-like, it seems like they would sneak up on you while your back is turned.

"You ran away from me, so I froze time so you couldn't leave," The man responds so casually, like he's asking if Makoto has the time. "Would you listen to me now? Don't pretend like you don't want to save Haruka Nanase."

"I- I don't know who that is," Makoto turns his head away as he tells the obvious lie, refusing to look at him in the eyes.

"You are a terrible liar, Tachibana Makoto," The man shakes his head, almost in pity. "Anyway. I hate metros, they're disgusting and a terrible form of transformation. Let's go somewhere a little nicer, shall we?"

Makoto doesn't have time to react, and in the blink of an eye, he's standing in front of an old restaurant. It is a family-owned eatery that's been around as long as Makoto can remember; they cook mainly seafood. Makoto's only been there a couple times, once with his father, and once on a date with a girl, and both times he got sick from the raw fish.

"This place looks nice," The man smiles warmly. He opens the door, allowing Makoto to enter before him. Makoto notices the man never stops touching him; this time, his hand rests calmly on Makoto's shoulder as they go sit in one of the booths in the back.

Time is still immobilized, and it feels like a scene from The Matrix -- Makoto notices a couple of people talking as they share their meal. There is a busboy in a mid-fall, frozen in an awkward position and a shocked expression on his face, plates flying out of his tray and hanging in midair. A person sitting nearby is watching the scene unfold, a similar expression on his face as he reaches out.

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