twenty seven → 12/23

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: December 23rd

Present day

The only sounds on that balcony are crackling fireworks and Makoto's erratically beating heart as he stares absentmindedly at where Haruka was standing just moments earlier, trying to sort out what just happened.

All the memories from the first party have hit him like a brick, and he feels like he's going to be sick, but this time, it's not because of the alcohol swimming in his bloodstream.

His head falls into his arms, resting on the railing, trying to steady his breathing and get his head to stop pounding. Everything's coming back to him at once, and it's just too much to take in.

And after a moment, as everything settles and the picture blurs into focus, Makoto realizes he has to find Haruka, and fast.

Makoto shoves the sliding glass door to the side, hardly remembering to shut it. He rushes out of the unoccupied bedroom, brushing by a drunk-looking couple, arms linked and dopey smiles on their faces. He mutters an apology and rushes down the hall and thunders down the stairs.

The party is still in full swing, but not as many people are dancing. It's approaching midnight now, according to the grandfather clock in the foyer. Makoto glances around frantically for the boy with blue eyes and his jacket, oversized but oh-so cute on him.

Makoto! Focus! He screams at himself, smacking the side of his head with his palm.

He spots Rei sitting at the dining room table, playing a game of chess with an equally nerdy-looking boy with dark hair and wire-framed glasses. Makoto touches his shoulder to get his attention. "Rei," He whispers frantically. "Have you seen Haruka?"

"Haruka-senpai?" Rei is a mixture of confused and worried. "No, I've been in here for the past half hour. Why? Is something wrong?"

"Nope! Everything's just peachy!" Makoto backs away. "Um, forget I asked! Enjoy your chess game. Bye, Rei!"

"Makoto-senpai, wai-"

But Makoto is already walking away, fighting through the crowds to find Nagisa. As expected, he finds Nagisa in the kitchen, playing beer pong with a bunch of football jocks and taking long swigs from a lime cooler.

"Mako-chan," Nagisa drunkenly giggles, poking him in the side. "Did you get it on with Nanase-kun yet?"

"No," Makoto wrinkles his nose, swatting his hand away. "Actually, speaking of Haruka, have you seen him?"

"Nope," Nagisa hiccups. "Wait, I think I may have seen him walk by here. But he was leaving, i think. He just got here! He should stay and have fun~ Woo! Party!!" He cheers, earning a chorus of rowdy whoops in response.

"Thanks, Nagisa," Makoto nods, watching him in worry for a moment. As much as Nagisa insists he isn't a lightweight, his tiny body mass would not be able to stand that much alcohol. He is definitely going to regret that in the morning, he thinks with an exasperated roll of his eyes.

Makoto exits the house, breathing the fresh air and feeling an instant relief from the semi-quiet. He is immediately greeted with a chill and pulls his jacket tighter around his body to block out some of the wind. He crosses the front yard, passing by Nagisa's Prius and hoping to God Rei will be the one who drives them home tonight.

Hands shoved in his pockets, he wanders around the neighborhood. Surely Haruka didn't go far, right? As far as he was aware, Haruka didn't drive, and how far could've he walked within the past ten minutes?

Makoto decides the first and best place to check would be his house, so he walks to their neighborhood, which takes him all of half an hour to make it home on foot. He approaches Haruka's two-story home and rings the doorbell twice. When no one comes to the door, he knocks loudly. Still no response.

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